
Monday, June 27, 2011

America the Beautiful Baby Mama Monday


Supplies Needed:
Sewing Machine
Tube Socks - I got mine @ JoAnn 60% off
Thread & Bobbin
Optional Bows, flowers, or other embellishments

Lay your socks out flat.

Cut off the ENTIRE foot like this.

Your socks should look like this now.

Now, snip off the ankle and toe; so you are left
with a mini tube.

Fold your mini tubes in half!

This step is COMPLETELY optional but I find it the edges of the mini tube together.

I like to use a zig-zag stich.

And now your mini tubes should look like this!

Slip the mini tube over the BIG tube like pictured,
 line up all the edges, and zig-zag stitch again.

Flip the mini tube down to make your little baby
leggings and YOU ARE DONE!

This is what it should look like. Does yours look
like this? I hope so! Now do the same thing on the
other sock so that you have two matching

I added some little flowers with gems in
the center.

CUTE, huh? And super easy to make! It took me
longer to type this post, not including pictures,
then it did to make these adorable little leggings!

Here they are again.
Now, I will admit that when I learned how to make these I used a tutorial. However, that was so long ago now that I have no idea which one and of course I made modifications to suit my needs. I am so sorry that I can give credit where it is due here because I am a BIG believer in SHOUT OUTS! So, if you have a tutorial for baby leggings please leave a comment below with the link for everyone!

Well, my Frog loving friends that is the end of Mama Monday for this week. I HOPE you all enjoyed it and found my tutorials useful! If you make some of these baby leggings let me know because I would love to see them!
THURSDAY is the FROG BLOG LOVE LINKY Party No. 3! Please stop by and link up this week!! I would love to see what you have been making!


  1. THOSE LEGGINGS ARE DARLING!!! GUESS WHAT.. you WON one of the Bicycle Stencils.. email me at CONGRATS TO YOU! jen

  2. Cute leggings!
    I would totally wear the the sock tho:D
    Congrats on the winning!!

  3. Very cute! You did a great job!!


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