
Friday, June 24, 2011

America the Beautiful Day 3

TGIF! I love me some Friday! Want to know what I love even more though? JEWELRY! Beautiful baubles! Gems! Pendants! Bracelets! Earrings! You name it, if the word jewelry is associated with it...I AM LOVING IT!
So, for day 3 of America the Beautiful I am showing off some very patriotic accessories for your viewing pleasure!
Please, allow me apologize now for the picture quality! I had to use my phone. One unnamed 3-y-o took off this the camera cord and well I have not found it yet.
Okay, well obviously I did not make these little babies
but they are so cute and fit in the them so I had to
share them with you! Purchased at Hobby Lobby!
My favorite place on Earth and my husbands worst nightmare!
On with the CRAFT!
Satin wrapped Chunky Chain Bracelet

With "bow" closure
Let's take a look at it from this angle.

Baby You're A Firework!

I have imagined these for weeks now and finally
made them come to life. I really wanted them to look
like fireworks falling from the sky.
You like?
I tried to get a close up with the phone.

Everyone needs a ring! I love how it turned out!

I really had no clue what I was doing when I started!

Teeny-tiny princess hands. She said it "kinda" fits.
I guess I will have to make one that fits her.

The phone made this pic AWESOME! It looks like the
beads are glowing. Super cool effect.

Recognize this picture?

Stars and Stripes - wire wrapped bangle

I will take one a plate...

I will wear one on a date!

AND this last one is not finished! I was too pooped
to complete before I posted but you get the idea.

Wire wrapped Star Bangle - the red and silver are
woven and I will do the same with the star.

Better view of the weaving.

I also wanted to make a couple of necklaces. I will
make them this weekend and share with you Sunday
or Monday!
I hope you like!! Have a great weekend! If you get bored or just miss me come on back I will be here! Tomorrow, I am continuing my America the Beautiful series and sharing one of my new blogging buddies! She is truly BEAU-Tiful and you won't want to miss out on that!
SUNDAY will be family funday- I am taking the little ones on a "field trip" this afternoon to prepare!
MAMA MONDAY- will not be all about BABIES this week! I will be sharing 2 projects so if you have younger school age kids, toddlers, or babies you will NOT want to miss this post/tutorial!


Party Button


  1. I love holiday jewelery -- awesome ideas! The ring is my fav ... love the beading and punch of color.

  2. What fun jewelery, thanks for showing off!


  3. I am loving the two bracelets!
    Especially the start one.
    Great job on all the jewelry!

  4. All the pieces look fantastic - but the firework earrings are my favourite!!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  5. WOW! Do you sale those? :) I need me some R/W/B jewelry to wear on the 4th! They are truly beautiful and festive. Please bring your "BLING" and join my Patriotic (Americana) linky party going on right now. Would love to have your entry included! :)

  6. All your pieces are awesome!! But I must admit...I want that ring!! :)

  7. Pretty, pretty. I adore the ring! Thanks for linking up at 504 Main and joining the FB link up too. New follower!
    504 Main

  8. These are adorable! I love the ring! :) Thanks so much for linking up to the Summer Lovin Soiree! Have a great weekend! :)

  9. The Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop has grown for the better because of your participation. Thanks for linking up this great post!

  10. so fun! that ring is adorable! i'd totally wear it!

  11. Thanks again for another post on my Patriotic linky party! Looking forward to more of your ideas :)


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