
Monday, June 27, 2011

The Before

Well, no one voted yesterday for which room they would like to see revealed this week. So, I guess I will pick it for you! HA!
Since the CSI Project is doing a week on kitchen remodels I will show you our kitchen BEFORE and AFTER. I have a feeling our kitchen will not be the most impressive but I don't really care. We did all of the work ourselves and is a MAJOR improvement! We also have plans to redecorate it this summer and that will be exciting to show you as well.
Here are the before pictures of the kitchen. I will show you the total transformation on BIG REVEAL Friday!
OH-and if you have not entered the earring giveaway yet head over here and get entered before noon today!
Excuse all the boxes we HAD just moved in and things
were HECTIC to say the least.

That is not me! Someone doing an appraisal or something
I think.

Seriously, what were they thinking?

Superior craftsmanship! HA!

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