
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Linky Party No. 1 Favorites

Frog Blog Love Favorites
Last week was my 1st time hosting a Linky Party! Too much fun! I had a great time looking at all the enteries and sharing them with my friends via Facebook and Twitter. I chose a few of my favorites and here they are! Take a minute and go check out this totally awesome ladies! Thanks everbody and don't forget to link up tomorrow for some Frog Blog Love!
Over at Jennifer Katy Designs she has some SUPER cute felt projects! As you will find out some time in the near future, I am a sucker for felt and this little fella is too CUTE!

I am in LOVE with the "revivals" that Lauren does over here. Plus, I am totally loving what I do right now. And look at that old step-side pick-up! LOVE! I even made my husband look at West Furniture Revival's Miss Helix. Not a waste of time at all so go check it out!

Last, but certainly not least check out this bag that Sarah made here. I love the gray and orange combo!  You will not be disappointed visiting All Things Thread! Her blog is full of cuteness. My other fav...the monkey quilt.

Thank you to everyone that came and partied last week! I really appreciate it and wish I could give you BIG hugs! If you were featured this grab my "I've Been Kissed" button (that looks like the one below) and let everyone know that the frog picked you!
Thanks and see you at the next party!



    I have some good news for you, check it out, then email me your mailing address.

  2. Thank you so much for featuring my Mantle on your first link party. Im honored!!! I'll be doing a shout out to ya!

  3. Thanks for featuring my elephant! Ive got so many felt projects on the go at the moment. How did your needle felting kit go?

  4. just did a shout out to ya!!! THANKS AGAIN


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