
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Funday

Are you all ready for the BIG facebook giveaway announcement tomorrow? Don't forget as soon as we have 100 "likes" on FB and 100 followers I will host a giveaway for each. So go like the FROG and follow us here! I REALLY appreciate all of the support!

You know I have always thought that if you spend enough time working hard during the week that the weekend should be for playing hard. However, once you have kids your ideas of "playing" hard change drastically! 10 years ago I never would have thought that making tutus, running through the sprinkler, hopping from one practice to the next, or any of the things I do now would have been on MY to do list but they are and I would not change a single thing. So for today's crafty post I want to share a craft that my kids and I did together.
When I was teaching, we had what I called "community" supplies. It was the big back that then; that the classroom was a learning community. That and I had to buy all of the supplies for the kids in my room since I was working in the inner city. Anywho...I had a TON of those supplies left over.
**Random RANT inserted here: Which by the way I have tried to donate to any teacher or school willing to pick up the items (because there is a ton) and guess what...I still have most of it! It surprises me that when you offer something free to those that obviously in need they refuse. I do not understand! I am not too proud to accept free things especially...well anything free sounds good to me! Okay, needed to get that off my chest!)**
The kids and I took all of the crayons and separated them into gallon size bags by color. We had like 20 bags. That is a lot of crayon!
The we peeled off the labels (only a few of each color), plopped them into a silicone baking mold, shoved them in the oven until the house was good and stinky!!!, (MELTED CRAYONS SMELL HORRID! BLECH!) pulled the mold out, set it on top of the stove to cool and here is what we got.

Totally cool huh!!! and my kids LOVE to color with them!
Aww, I am a proud mama!

BTW-Just in case you all were not aware of this before NEVER LEAVE YOU COMPUTER UNATTENDED WITH BLOGGER OPEN AND A 3-YEAR-OLD RUNNING WILD! Goodness sakes!

Now, I am off to spend some time with fam and work on those new designs so that I can share them with you this week and not next year! Happy Sunday Funday All!!
Oh, I always want to forget this part but it is too important. Click on my Linky Parties Page to see where I am linking up to day and I will "see" you all tomorrow!


  1. Love your new crayons. As a retired teacher, I'm very surprised that no one took you up on your generous offer. The year that I retired, I was constantly giving away things. (And I know what you mean about buying all of the school supplies - I did that for so long.)

  2. Thank for stopping by my blog!! cool crayons!! Very creative!!


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