
Friday, June 10, 2011

TGIF and Giveaway Announcement

Just wanted to let everyone know that I HOPE YOU HAVE A FABULOUS WEEKEND! The weather here is supposed to be wonderful and not too hot! Thank goodness, I keep melting every time I go out side. I will still be blogging through the weekend and linking up to parties so if you have time or are totally bored hop by and say hello!
Don't forget that the facebook giveaway options will be announced on MONDAY morning! I am so excited! If you haven't "liked" the frog on facebook please do so you don't miss out on all the wonderful hoppenings! (HAHA I think I am so cute.)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for linking up to Bacon Time. For the first party it was a huge success with over 300 links. I am going to have a special give away next week just for linkers. Thanks for grabbing the button too!
    Just liked you on facebook, you can find Bacon Time with the Hungry Hungry Hypo on there too or me Mindie May Eyre Hilton.


Leave the Frog some love today! We love getting feedback! And we personally reply to all comments via email if your id allows us to. It may not be an instant response but we always respond! So leave us some love and let's be friends!