
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tutu Cute America Take 2

What day is it?? Wonderful Wednesday? Goodness, where is the world did this week go? Well, hello my HOPPY friends and welcome to Wonderful Wednesday! I just wanted to do a quick post of glAMERICA's tutu option 2 for the 4th and see what you all think!
Here it is!
Your basic white cotton Tee ~ I
cut off the sleeves, and ribbed neck.
Then I just put in a RED & BLUE running
stitch to give it some - character. 
Added some blinging Stars - I
am going to stitch detail to the stars but
have not yet. I all I did was use fusible

SPORTED out the sleeves because I just think
it is cute!

Just showing all the stitching.
Do you like it? I saw a lady on "She's Crafty"
show how to do this but cannot remember what
she called the Tee's. I think they were pretty popular
at one time. Anyone, know the name I am looking for?
Boy, my memory is stinky!

AND the glAmerica Glory Tutu! You know me
there are 50 stars but a few more than 13 stripes.
POOR planning on my part.


Blue Steel pose! (Zoolander)

Here it is one more time.
So what do you guys think??? 
This one???????

This one????
That is all I have for now but I will back later with some jewelry. I want to know what you guys think of it because it is a gift. So, please come back and give me your thoughts!
Tomorrow is the LINKY PARTY! So excited!! My favorite day of the whole week because I get to see what you all are doing!
"See" you soon!