
Friday, July 8, 2011


I leave for one day and this is what happens! HOLY MOLY!
My friend Ashley, made her own blog award to hand out and I was one of her firsts! HOW totally AWESOME is that?  Well, it COMPLETELY awesome! PLUS, Ashley is truly a little ray of sunshine herself. If you don't know her or her blog you must go introduce yourself. I totally {heart} her and her blog! THANKS Ashley!
Here are her instructions:
Just pass it to a blog that inspires you and like I said brings sunshine to your life:) Also be sure to tell the person you award it to that they can then give it to whoever their little heart desires! If you would like to post it on your side bar that would be fantastic, if not no worries just know you ROCK and please share the LOVE! I hope it will be fun!:)
Now to spread the LOVE around I am passing this award to my good friends at:

My wonderful friend Jenn, who is absolutely amazing
and always know just when you need a pick-me-up
Fabulous Friend Mindie who is always there for me
but still totally "SUCKS"
(she is a big Twi-HARD like me)
My newest Friend and a super cutie-pie Joshua @

Super Sweet Blogger Jill @
Princess Terri & evidently my HOMEgirl (since we are both from MO.
We are going to have to chat more about this) @

One of the nicest peeps I have met while blogging
Toni over @

Design Dazzle
AND last but CERTAINLY not least
My girl HOLLY (who always has fabulous ego boosting
comments for you) @

504 Main

Thank you ladies (and Joshua) for making my days brighter and better!
 I {heart} you all!!!!


  1. thanks for the support and passing it along!! you are so sweet!!

  2. Oh thank you, so sweet. It's been a hard day, I needed this pick me up. I think I am going to post Party Mindie Style early so I can relax and maybe clean this house since nobody else seems to want to do it for me.

    I will grab it now for me and for Joshua, he is traveling with the hubs and will be surprised to see it when he gets home.

  3. Jenni, thank you so much for this wonderful, heartwarming award!


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