
Friday, July 22, 2011

Frog Favorite Friend #5

Hello my wonderful, wonderful friends! I am back with another AWESOME blogger to share with you!!
Have you all met the Homemaker In Heels, Miss Crystal?
OMGoodness, isn't she the cutest thing on two legs? Every time I visit her blog and see this picture I smile. She has got to be the happiest person alive. I just want to squeeze her.
You must, must, must, MUST read her WELCOME message, too! You will understand what I am talking about being the happiest person ever! Everything about her blog just EXUDES happiness!
Anywho, Miss Crystal's blog is full of fun and fantastic ideas! She has the cutest tutorial for bird's nest bobby pins and guess what...SHE USED MY FAVORITE RUST-OLEUM PAINT. That's my girl!
She has $0 budget crafts and under $5! Now, how in the world can  you beat that??
She host a weekly linky party on Saturdays! I link up week and think you should too.
She also has the most darling little etsy shop with the cutest pillows!
You simply most go check her out and spend some time getting to know her!
Tell her the FROG sent you when you are saying HI! I just know it will make her day!
Oh, and don't forget to tell her that she has on the cutest shoes possible! She likes that!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, yay! Thank you so much! You are just a sweetheart! :) I hope you have a wonderful weekend! OH, and I can't get the link to your FB page to cooperate, can you possibly send it to me or something? Thanks so much! :)
    Homemkaker in Heels


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