
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Frog Favorite Friends #2

Today, I am sitting on our deck, enjoying the weather, and reflecting on the past month, my first month of blogging (while the kids are swinging, running, and screaming in the yard). Yes, it has been a month already. Can you believe it? I have spent spent countless hours crafting, picture taking, typing, and trying to figure out all of the ins and outs of blogging. This first month has been frustrating, aggravating, and completely satisfying, enjoyable, and rewarding!
I KNOW that this first month could and WOULD have kicked my butt booty it had not been for some of the gracious and wonderful friends I have made. My blog besties. My FROG FAVORITE FRIENDS!
Which brings us to feature #2! Please welcome, embrace, love, and support one of my new best friends here in blog land Mindie  @ Bacon Time.

Her blog boasts just about everything. She shares tutorials, crafts, recipes, menu planning, giveaways, you name it she has got it! She truly is a jack of all trades and who doesn't LOVE that pig? Well, I do.
Bacon Time at the Hungry Hungry Hypo is a great blog with a wonderful and caring author and totally worth your visit!
Plus, she host a Linky Party  every weekend Friday- Sunday here:


And an ONGOING Giveaway Linky Party here:

Mindie, has been more than helpful with all aspects of blogging and crafting. She has been super quick to respond when I have questions or comment. Mindie and I have messaged back and forth with support during those "frustrating." She truly is one of the most caring, supportive, and genuine people I have "met" in a long time. I am elated to call her my friend and share her with you!
After you Google Friend Connect (and I know you will), leave her a comment letting her know that you love her as much as I do.
Plus, you are gonna want to get updates from Mindie since she will be hosting the hottest PaRtY in 2011! (and I get to be one of the sponors!! )


Now, stop reading and get going!! Go, GO, GO! Share some blog love and visit Miss Mindie at Bacon Time now! I will be back tomorrow! So, see you then!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for your sweet words. I find joy in blogging with amazing people like you.


Leave the Frog some love today! We love getting feedback! And we personally reply to all comments via email if your id allows us to. It may not be an instant response but we always respond! So leave us some love and let's be friends!