
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tutu Tutorial

Want to make your own tutus??
Well, here is the easiest tutu to make EVER!

This tutorial is now available for purchase in my etsy shop for only $3



  1. aw its so darling!!! i love it:)

  2. So cute I want to make one now, oh me and my two boys, and my desire to make more girly things then I know what to do with.

    You are welcome anytime to do that guest post. If you type it up and send me the code for it I will post it on a Tuesday craft day. Your always welcome at Bacon Time, but you know this. :) PS no rush, nap now, and take your time, the offers always open with you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You did make this easy! Thank you! I was so intimidated before! :)

    New blog follower! Come follow back and enter my great giveaways!

  5. I am glad my daughter is in the other room or I would have to go to the store and make this for her tonight! This way I have a few days to get it done! Thanks for sharing!

  6. wow, that is easy and I love that you used a headband. Clever. I have to make one of these for my very girlie 7 year old. And if I make one I will for sure link it up to your party.

    Thanks talented lady!!!

  7. Love the Americana one! How cute!

  8. I have always wanted to make one of these but had no idea how to. Thanks for the Tutorial. I will definitely be making one soon.

  9. Thanks - we are looking for twirly dresses all the time at our house. I am a new follower and would love a follow back if you have a chance! Come see me at

    I love the ribbon background!

  10. This is perfect, so glad I found this. (found you on Me and My Boys link up party) I haven't tried the whole tutu thing yet, but I am super excited to try now! Thanks for sharing. BTW I had no idea that a head band could stretch that much.

  11. I love making tutus and always enjoy seeing how other people make their's! I thought it was really cool that you used a headband. Great tutorial! :)

  12. this is so nifty and I'm definitely gonna try this next time i need a tutu (it might be tomorrow morning when i get up and want to dress like a princess - you never know!)
    thanks for linking up with creating success around the world this week! ;o)

  13. How cute and creative! Thank for linking up!

  14. Love it, it is so cute! I want one, but sadly I'm defintely too old to get away with wearing one (sulks!)

  15. Jenni, your tutorial is fabulous! I love the fact that the waistband is readymade out of an inexpensive headband. Awesome!

    Thank you so much for sharing your creativity on "A Little Birdie Told Me..."!


  16. thanks so much for linking this up to my tip-toe thru tuesday party! hope to see you again this week!

  17. I toasted you today!!

  18. just wanted you to know that i shared this with carrie @ my favorite finds. she's making her daughter one for her birthday! :)

  19. Can't wait to try this for my granddaughters. Thanks for the tutorial!


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