
Sunday, July 17, 2011

What to do? What to do?

I bet you all are wondering what it is I will be doing this week while you all are having a blast signing up for giveaways...Admit it you wanna know.
Well, I will be cleaning up this HUGE mess so that I can find everything!
My Resource Bookshelf
PILE of crap craft on top of
Craft Armoire
Disorganized Shelves
Tulle Central
The top of my custom craft table the hubba-hubba
made for me.
PILE, PILES everywhere.
Um, the dining room table.
My clearance items from shopping yesterday.
Jewelry Station and my YuDu
Screen Printing machine.
(Anyone have one of these? I have
not used it yet!)
Melanie's Friend and Patterns
More papers to file and the craft


  1. this looks like sooooooo much fun!!! organizing is one of my favorite things to do!!! you gonna post pics when it's done?

  2. OMGosh! Thank you for posting these! I'm so embarrassed at my craft "mess" and it feels good to know I have a sister crafter who works like me. Just started following your blog a couple weeks ago.


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