
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Frog Blog Love Linky #15

**Well, I am going to try something new in an effort to save my behind. Some how I deleted ALL of my linky party page. I have been trying to add them and remember them all but I just cannot. I am going to add a linky for every one to add there party to, just below our regular linky. Just add your party button and make sure to add the DAY in the name/title. Then I will add them ALL to my permanent linky page for everyone to see. AND, BEST OF ALL, then I will be partying with you! I know you are super excited now, RIGHT?!? HA! **

I really appreciate everyone that linked up last week while I was off at the craft show. I loved all of the links. You all are unbelievably talented!! I am swoon every Thursday! Here is the most viewed link from last week! How amazing is this Stylish Laptop from Sweetwater Style? I am seriously going to have to try to make of these myself. Not that my laptop ever travels but I think it needs a cozy case just the same.

Now it is time to LINK UP!

And you know what ~ No rules again this week just link up what ever you want and let's have a good time (just make sure it is your own stuff and family friendly)!
AND DON'T FORGET TO SCROLL DOWN TO ADD YOUR LINKY PARTY TOO (just be sure to add your PARTY DAY to the title)!

ENJOY and I will see you all MONDAY for another crafty frogulicious week! I will be revealing the entire craft room next week, along with pics from the craft show, items that I am donating to various charities in the area, AND will begin to show off all of the craftasticness I have made for the baby shower I am helping host SATURDAY!
Whew, that sounds exhausting!
Anyone want to come clean my house? HA!
I just tested the linkys and they seem to be working! Woot! Woot! Maybe I am not such a computer idiot afterall! Okay, I guess we should not go that far.




  1. Thanks for the invitation to link up! Have a wonderful day!!

  2. Oh, Jenni. This is the sort of thing that would happen to me, LOL! But I have to say, an open linky for parties is a great idea, why have I not thought of this?? I think I'll be using your idea and adding a linky to my party page too!!

    Happy party, mama!


  3. Thank you so much for the surprise to find that my little laptop post was the top view...little victories in life!!!!
    Thanks for hosting!

  4. Thank you for hosting and for putting together the linky list, Jenni! Have a great weekend!


  5. When you get a chance will you tell me how you made your small follow buttons all in one box for pinterest and the rest, I want to do that for mine and not sure how. I finally got the pages back on the top but had to lose two pages since they won't fit and it won't move them down for some odd reason. Love ya and thanks for your frog love.


Leave the Frog some love today! We love getting feedback! And we personally reply to all comments via email if your id allows us to. It may not be an instant response but we always respond! So leave us some love and let's be friends!