
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rust-Oleum Week Thrifty Make Over #2

Another thrifty find and for less than $7. I had been looking for a little bench like this for the craft room and viola there it was. The size was not PERFECT but it was close enough!!
Another piece in some serious need of Rust-Oleum LOVE! 

Had to use a little wood glue... 
One last look before we let Rust-Oleum take over.
Here is the LOVERLY paint I used!

I could not find cushions that fit this little bench or table or whatever it was designed to be...So I bought these little pillows on clearance at the HD. Cute enough but not wonderful! AND then I added this... 
A toddler bed mattress from my BIG BOY toddler. PLUS it was totally free; which made the hubba hubba H-A-P-P-Y! I still need to make a cover for the mattress/bench cushion but it looks good enough for now! Toddler is not included and was not harmed during the making of this post. I don't think so anyway! Plus, this is a BIGGER SNEAK PEEK! What are you thinking about the room?

**Just so you know, I am in NO WAY compensated for blogging about my toddler or Rust-Oleum  (even though I think I should be there new spokes girl). I am only sharing my projects and their products with you because I am a lover of ALL things "R" (Rust-Oleum) related! **

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