
Saturday, October 15, 2011


So, I guess the blog is going interactive. LOL! I am so exited that I have had emails and comments from you all about wanting to join me in one way or another! I LOVE IT!
So, let me try to answer some of your questions.
What do I do to help?
1. Join me in this makeover process (which I will explain more in a bit), that would be awesome.
2. Offer advice on any thing that I am working on changing. Even if you think it might not help, I would love to get your thoughts so tell me anyway. You can link-up or comment or send me an email. Whatever you would like.
3. Encourage me and anyone else that decides it is time for a change. Any way you can think to encourage others. Maybe you leave a comment, link-up your favorite quote, sing a song, write a blog post about your journey to change. Whatever you think is encouraging...I encourage it!

For those of you that are ready to dig out of your rut right along with me...HERE IS WHERE I AM STARTING. I am not going to pretend that I know your situation and would hate for you not participate because I require something that makes you uncomfortable. So for now, here is my list. If you would like to make a list and share it with me that would be awesome. If you just want to read my list or use it for yourself that is fine too. My goal is to make my life easier, happier, and more full filling.
Every week, at least one time, I will be blogging to let you know how my journey is going. It may be along whiny complaining list of poopy my week was or how wonderful it was. It could be a short BLAH post, a quote that motivated me, my week in pictures, who knows. So really no serious guidelines. I do not want it to be so regimented that I do not do it or enjoy it. I want you to do the same.
Below is my list. As I wade through my drowning pool to the shallow end, I will be marking these babies off my list. So this will be a permanent fixture on the page.
About my list, there are several categories since this is a total transformation.
The Outside Makeover
Work Out 3-4 Times a Week
Take More Me Time
Smile More at EVERYONE
Stop using naughty words
Find 10 things to be thankful for EVERYDAY

Play, Sing, dance, and laugh more
Bring back Family crafts and movie nights and game nights
Give the kids more responsibility and hold the accountable
Get more involved in our community
Be more giving of those in need

Clean as I go
Deep Clean at least ONCE a month
Prioritize a to do list and STICK TO IT

Return email quickly
Try to Organize a schedule
Try to proof
Work On Completing My Laundry List of endless PROJECTS
Utilize Etsy for more than just shopping
Read the business books I bought and put them to good use
Welp, there is my jumping off point. I am sure that I will be adding to this as the New Year approaches. I hope I have answered some questions you may have had if you are joining me. Email me if you have any questions! I will be responding more quickly now!!


  1. Great list!
    I've see quite a few that I am also wanting to do.
    I will work on my list and get it posted as soon as possible.
    Good luck!

  2. Girlfriend, that is quite a list!! More power to you if you accomplish 2 of those things!! I know you can do it though! You are a strong woman and can do anything you put your mind too!! Thanks for the inspiration!


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