
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Chess Master Gift

All the poor Chess players I know are stuck with the horrible stigma of being total nerds. And I must admit that I too tend to tease my chess players.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMGoodness, sometimes, I crack myself up!
They do not always look like that obviously. Anywho, my son (the one on the right) loves to play chess (so much he plays it on my phone, the computer, everytime we go to grandmas, should I keep going?) He is getting really good. My husband (the hottie on the left) was on the chess team in high school (I know right, I am one lucky girl). So they like to play together and seriously the competition is heating up. E-Man (the son) tries to beat the hubba-hubba but has not been able to yet. When they play it is either on the kitchen table or dining room table and then it gets left there and I have to clean it up or ask that it be cleaned up. Or in those rare instances (that are not all that rare) I do not notice it and one of the little babes pulls it off the table. Some one or something is going to get broken, I fear...cause I am a worry wart like that. SO, I bought one of these tables at the end of the summer for like $5 on clearance @ a store I would rather not mention (because I don't really want to advertise for them since I am no longer shopping there).
Just a simple little planter table. It is fairly substantial so it won't fall over or anything like that.
See it is here and you get to see my messy floor and dining room. Isn't it beautiful.
SO, I took the eexpensive chess table he was given a few years back and some Gorilla Glue (which I had never used before this) and
Chess table!!
Some important points to note:
1. This project is RIDICULOUSLY EASY
2. GORILLA GLUE warns you that it will foam and expand...that is an understatement. OOPS! I ruined part of my rug since I am inexperienced.
3. Gorilla GLUE is SUPER strong and that chess table is not coming off EVER!!
4. With a table like this one there is no place for the pieces so make and attach a bag or something so they do not get lost.
5. NOW, I need to make refashion some chairs with a chess them for my sweet nerds boys!
AND there you have a ridiculously easy and relatively cheap BOY GIFT that is custom and AWESOME, if I do say so myself.
Alrighty, folks I am off to do some more crafting! I have some totally FROGulicious Holiday Crafts and I cannot wait to finish them so that I can show you!


  1. That is a great table! Maybe you can attach a bag to the underside and stick the pieces there? Thanks for the warning about the glue. I am a new FB follower from Tuesday Time Out. Vicky from Mess For Less

  2. Very cute idea! It came out great! I am your newest follower. I'd love for you to follow me back =-)

  3. This is great for your nerds (I mean sweeties), my daughter's GS troop is giving toys to a boys home and their favorite game is chess. This is a great idea for them. Sorry about your ruined carpet :(

  4. Brilliant! Your chess table came out beautifully!

    Jenni, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and long holiday weekend!

    Your friend,


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