
Saturday, December 31, 2011

My 2011 Favorite Friends

The frog has chosen a favorite friend of the week basically since I started blogging in June based on your favorite party link-up. Every Thursday you all amaze and wow me with your creations and stories and I always find it hard to pick just, especially when most of you are my blogging besties! This week I decided not to have our regular Frog Blog Love Linky but I still want to spotlight some other bloggers that mean a lot to me.

The following list of bloggers are my besties out here in cyber-world. They are the ladies that never cease to amaze me with there talents but more than that with their friendship. These are the ladies that email you back, that take the time to actually look at your blog and leave fabulous comments. These are real life ladies with real life families and jobs and I am so honored to call them my friends. These are the ladies that are my support system. These are the ladies I want to be when I grow up!

Enjoy meeting them all, no need to tell them I sent you or anything crazy. Just hope over and take a minute to make yourself a new friend. I promise you will not be disappointed!

Strictly Homemade Tuesday  Photobucket
504 Main

Craftaholics Anonymous
 Ladybird Ln

Also check out these fab bloggers...

And there you have it. I hope that 2012 will bring more wonderful relationships!! I am already off to a great start with a few mommy bloggers I am hoping to share with you all later in the week. That you to everyone that has made my life more complete by you being in it!! You all are fabulous and I wish I could hugs you all.
Here's to new relationships and fabulous friendships in 2012!
May it be totally FROGulicious!!!


  1. I'm so glad you reached out to me this past year! You are an awesome friend. I hope nothing but the BEST for you and your family in the new year!!! :) You are amazing! :)

  2. You are the sweetest!! You also made my year! The feeling is completely mutual just so you know :D !

  3. Oh my gosh! You are just the sweetest and you totally made the last day of a great year even more special. I hope you know I feel the same and looking forward to 2012!

  4. How sweet are you! I love knowing ya! Happy New Year!

  5. OMGosh! I'm so crazy totally flattered to be on this list of awesome, wonderful, talented ladies!! And I'm so thrilled to call you one of my blog besties too and so grateful that I've gotten to know you this past year and see your awesome projects and ideas... this post was just such a wonderful surprise and you've totally made my day! Thank you so much and hope you have a wonderful new year! : )

    -Mel the Crafty Scientist

  6. Aw you are so sweet! I so enjoy our blogging world/support group! Ha! May 2012 bring us many new crafting adventures!

  7. Jenni...aawwwwwe you are so sweet. I feel the same way about you dear. Happy New Year!

  8. Thank you so much, you are such an inspiration!
    Happy New Year

  9. You are so sweet, Jenni! The blog (and personal) love is mutual! I always look forward to reading your posts and enjoy getting to know you more and more with each one. Happy New Year!

  10. Awww..thank you!! You're pretty fab yourself there missy!!! Here's to a year filled with new crafts, new ideas, and lot's of girl talk!
    Crafty Soccer Mom

  11. Jenni, you're the best! I am so glad that 2011 brought us together, and I look forward to more froggy kisses in 2012!

    Your friend,

  12. Aww, thanks Jenni! Hugs to you - hope your 2012 is a fabulous year!

  13. Hi Jenni-O!! You are so wonderful and so kind and I am so blessed to call you my friend! You truly are the sweetest and I look foward to all that you have to show and share with us in 2012!!! Stay sweet!!!XXOO Maridith


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