
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hmmmm, Too Much Work or Too Cute?

So, do you all remember my Tween Dream Room Reveal?
I have to be honest...I decorated this room for my niece when she lived with us. When she moved out I had the princess move up there because I thought it was sooo cool. She really likes it but does not love it and wants it to be pink. It took me ALL summer to put that together. And it was not  cheap. I guess in the grand scheme of things it is/was but still.
So here is my I scrap all the work and start over so that Princess feels like she has her own room that is her style or do I just tell her to deal?
Here is another moment of honesty for you...We went to the Hobby Lobby together last week and were just browsing (which she hates) and we did happen across this furniture...

I am so in LOVE! I can hardly contain myself. Can you just imagine how DIVA this would be? My head is spinning with all of the ideas!! Seriously! L-O-V-E!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds to me like your heart is Already half way down the road to a remodel. Lol :) The original room is beautiful & I'm sure your niece loved it to bits while she was there, but maybe a little revamping could be done on a smaller scale. A can of spray paint could come in handy to change up the color of room accessories (frames, knick-knacks etc.), you could shop the house for any misc. or bedding, & there's always a few trips to the Hob Lob with the %40 off coupon. Doing it in stages could also help the ol' pocket book too. Just a few suggestions I'm sure you've already thought of. I'm not sure where your comfort level in painting is since I just found your blog 10 minutes ago, but a projector & some paint could dress up old furniture to give her that hot pink/zebra combination. It's a win-win either way since the original room is adorable & the direction for the new room is super cute too! Good luck whichever way you go :)


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