
Monday, February 13, 2012


My week was FULL of "banging my head up against a wall" moments! Plus, I was not feeling well and well just see for yourself...

Not sure if you can see that or not but that is MARKER all the way down the hallway...Actually it was all the way around the entire house. Not a wall missed...not even one left untouched. That is what I had to clean up when I returned from a shopping trip. Ugh!
This is the dirt from 1 area rug that, evidently my vacuum cleaner has been missing. Not sure if you caught that...that is 1 AREA RUG and it get vacuumed EVERY DAY (not to mention twice before this test was performed.) More on this Revelation later and how You Are Talking to Much turned me into a scientist.
This prob the lowest point of the week. I was helping Princess get the tangles out of her and thought my little dudes had big brother watching them (you know since he was only 2 feet away from them) but I was sooooo wrong. The little Bear and tiny Munchkin got in the GIANT fridge and got my FRENCH SILK PIE! Dumped it on the floor and ate it! OMG, it was the only chocolate we had in the house and I was feeling pretty low and had been looking forward to a piece of that pie ALL DAY as reward for just being me. The trash can got all the reward but not until there was some serious thought given to just getting a spoon and joining in.
Not all the moments were bad this week!!
Little Bear asked me some question that I answered, "Yes sir."  too. His response..."I am not the yes sir! I am the YES WOGAN SIR!"
And then there was this... 

OMGosh, my kids are a hand full but I love every minute of it!!

This week's featured MAMA and her real life Mommy Moment are Creative Carmella with her very INSPIRING story of Life with the CONFIDENCE OF A 4 Year Old. Believe your day, week, month, year will be better for reading this!

I am so glad to know that life is not always perfect everywhere but in my house! Thank you so much to everyone that linked up a Real Life Mommy Moment. I am going to go ahead and just clone the link for a while (I do not want anyone to miss any of these stories.) 
Do you have to be a MOMMY to share your REAL LIFE MOMENTS? HECK NO! Share AWAY!! 
Do they have to be new posts?? NOPE NOT AT ALL! Just share.
Are there more rules you need to follow? Um, nope again.
But if you want too share with all of your friends and help support even more real life moments, you could always grab a button...


If you don’t have a blog and want to share; send it to me in an email and I will add for you! I am seriously hoping that this will help us all support each other in way that is REAL in virtual world.

So what do you think? Who is up for the challenge? Who is ready to share the down and dirty but oh so fun part of being…well human? Are you in?



1 comment:

  1. Too bad we don't live days have been like this for weeks...we could let the kids go nuts and hang out and craft!


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