
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Do you have minute? **GIVEAWAY**


Do you have a minute?? One teeny tiny minute??
 If you do, would you pretty please with a lily pad on top hop over and vote for my JUNKY friends and their business.
The most votes wins a $5,000 Small Business Grant. I know how much we all love to support Crafty Sisters!
I swear it only take a moment to vote and if you are already logged into FACEBOOK it is even easier!! You can vote once a day and voting ends tomorrow @ 6 p.m.
I am not above bribery so if you vote leave me a comment for each time you do and you will be entered to win one of my new necklaces like this one...
So hustle on over and show the Chicken Sisters some love and support!!!!
HUGS~ Jenni
P.S. I get nothing for asking you all to vote except the SATISFACTION of helping a friend and fellow crafter!


Leave the Frog some love today! We love getting feedback! And we personally reply to all comments via email if your id allows us to. It may not be an instant response but we always respond! So leave us some love and let's be friends!