
Sunday, June 19, 2011


Happy Father's to all the wonderful fathers out there! I am not sure that there is anything better than a man that is a great, support, playful father. I think that my kids and I won the lottery (as I am sure you all do) when he and I got married. We have 4 wonderful children that he loves and supports with everything that he has EVERYDAY! I love you hubba hubba! Thank you for being my dream come true!
The kids and I worked a lot this week on our FD gifts (which you all will get to see later). There was a lot of painting that needed to be done and mostly by an adult. However, they still wanted to paint. I gave them some of our water colors and here you.
Ready, Set,

This is the 3-y-o and he could not wait to get his chubby little hands on the paint!
Here is one thing about me that you should. I do not care about any mess my kiddos make
as long as it can be cleaned up easily. So I never give them permanent markers or non-washable, we use dry-erase crayons (they wipe right off of EVERYTHING), ETC. They also know to do
arts and crafts projects at the kitchen table. AND then they have at it.
So, let 'em have it! Have fun with your babies! Go crazy and when it is all over hose those little things off! (And the kitchen if it needs it! )
Here are some of the things they painted this week.
A beautiful rainbow with what I thought was a story at
first glance.

HAHAHA the Princess! She is 6 and evidently
needs some jack to buy her self something pretty!
I am cracking up -literally- looking at this again!

We live in Missouri - in case you missed
that announcement. We have had a lot of
severe weather this year. Princess had to spend
over 2 hours in lock down (along with the rest
of the kiddos and teachers) at the end of the year
due to numerous tornadoes in our hour. The hubs and I
had the munchkins in the basement forever on the same day.
NOT FUN! And obviously she is still thinking about tornadoes
because that is what the BIG purple funnel is on the left. Not too bad for 6!
She may have a little talent here!

And the 3-year-old's work. There were a lot
more paintings by him but I thought this really
showed is artistic talent. Nemo!
These last 4 are from my oldest. They are not water colors.
He is OBSESSED with basketball right now and I could
not get him to work on his art if I glued his but to a chair.
BUT he is a super talented artist and I love his work. So here
are some of his projects.



Family Crest
I hope you enjoyed this post as much I as I enjoy sharing a piece of me with you! Now, get off the computer and go craft with you kids or someone else's if need be. You could always borrow mine! HA!
I am so excited for this week. I will post a schedule of what will be going here with frog later today! I took TONS of pics again to try to put a tutorial together for some of the projects we did for FD gifts. Plus, I have some BIG (time wise) projects I need to get completed this week. So stick around because it is going to be one HOPPY crafting week!
HUGS to you and yours!


  1. I love these! They are so precious!

    I'm stopping by from this week's Super Stalker Sunday hop! Thanks for participating! I hope you'll join us again next week!
    Mariah, Formula Mom

  2. Thank you Mariah! I am looking forward to reading more from your blog!


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