
Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 19 - 25 Scheduled Ramblings

I thought I would give myself a schedule this week to keep me focused and on task. So here it goes and hopefully I will be able to stick to the program and keep you hopping back for more!

Monday- Mama Monday - FD Gift 1 Revealed

Tuesday- Hoo Are you Tuesday & FD Gift #2 Revealed

Wednesday- America The Beautiful Series Begins
Thursday- Frog Blog Love Linky Party #1 Feature & Frog Blog Love Linky Party #2 & FD Gift #3 Revealed & America the Beautiful Cont.

Friday- FD BIG Reveal (the whole picture) & America the Beautiful Cont.

Saturday- Frog Favorite Friend #1

Sunday- Sunday Funday (educational game) America the Beautiful

Well, it is going to a sizzling week here on the blog! I have a ton I want to get done and share with you. I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! I will be back tomorrow with Mama Monday! See you then.


  1. Hi!
    Thanks for hopping by and visiting my blog!
    I'm your newest fan/follower!

    It sure looks like busy week on your blog! Looking forward to it!

  2. your blog is great! From your new follower...

  3. hi new follower from sunday hop :)

  4. Awesome! Thank you so much ladies! I love new followers!


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