
Monday, June 20, 2011

Mama Monday #3

Mr. Monday is back and ready to attack! A-T-T-A-C-K...attack, Attack, ATTACK! (that is the cheerleader in me coming out! HeeHee!)
 Here is this week's Mama Monday. I am sure that you all have seen, oh about a thousand, blog posts about making silhouettes but I had to do some and then of course I had to share them with you! For Christmas the kids and I made hand trees for the hubba hubba/daddy of the castle. He LOVED them and we had a blast making them!! Unfortunately, we have never taken the time to figure out a place to display them...until now but that is another post for another day.
I did not just want to stick up the hand trees without something special for each kiddo and I did not want the wall looking like a kooky forest.
SO, for father's day we made silhouettes for all 4 kids but it turned out to be a process, which I will now explain!
Dusty,dirty, dingy, disgusting, old nasty, gnarly picture
frames that have been in storage for quite a while. I would
have no idea how long but a long gross time!

Ewwww! Yucky! Are you getting all of that grimy
grossness? So, first I had to clean 4 picture frames and
disinfect them but let's face it they were NASTY!

Then I got out my FAVORITE spray paint
EVER!!! RUST-OLEUM!!! (I know some
of you use a different brand (which I will never,
ever, ever, EVER, name here) but I still love you!
Check out this color! Textured Metallic SILVER
It is B-E-A-U-tiful! LOVE!
The Princess wanted to help too! So of course
I let her! She is a fabulous model, isn't she! And let's
not forget Melanie there in the back ground!
HI MELANIE! Plus, it doesn't hurt to have one more picture
of my favorite spray paint! I need a shirt that says
I {heart} Rust-Oleum!
(P.S. I am not being compensated for mentioning
Rust-Oluem. I really do think that it is a SUPERIOR
And I sprayed my old grungy picture frames in hopes that
they turn out beautifully!
(I know some one, not mentioning any names here, needs a hair cut
but we have been too busy enjoying our summer and he likes to
scream bloody murder when he gets his hair cut. NOT A FUN TIME)
While I was waiting for the paint to dry I decided that
instead of watching it dry I would move on to the next
in my project. So I lined my kiddies up and snapped pics
of their profiles, and printed them on regular printer paper.
Once everything printed, I cut out the little heads as seen above.
Then, I traced them on to card stock and cut them out again.
Whew, hard work!
I got some blue card stock (see up there), cut it down
to 8 x 10 size, glued my little kids silhouettes in the center,
put the frames back together, and

Oh crud, there are already teeny, tiny
finger prints on the glass. It sure is a
shiny little finger print isn't it. HOLD PLEASE, while
I go clean that off...
Awww, the princess! I did a little extra
cutting to make it look like her hair was in
a pony...but I did it in the shape of a heart.
She is too sweet, huh!?!
Dang, more finger prints. Those kids
love these pictures!
Her is my little munchkin face! Isn't
he the cutest thing, EVER?
And there you have our FD Gift No. 1!
Check how AWESOME the paint looks!
How cool is that? I HIGHLY recommend giving
this color a try! I need to find some other things to paint
this color. I am thinking STARBURST Mirror. Ohhhh, that
would be perfect!
I hope you enjoyed this little family craft! I know we did! Stay tuned because this project is just the beginning of what we did for the hubba hubba for Father's Day! I will be here all week but for now the FROG has left the building.


  1. these looks great! love that sneaky little heart you put on your daughter's profile.

  2. Love this! yes and I agree the R paint is superior ! ADORABLE project! TFS!


  3. Thank you much ladies! I really appreicate the support!

  4. Hi! This looks like a great project. I'd love to try it one day.

    Thanks so much for linking up with Super Stalker Sunday hop. Hope you'll be able to join us again next week!

    Your Co-Host,
    Emily from Nap Time Is My Time

  5. That is so cool! Love how it turned out :)

  6. These turned out so great! I've always wanted to make silhouettes of my kids, so I will have to give this project a try. That paint choice is rockin!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and your sweet comment! I'm following back.


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