
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Linky Party No. 1

Frog Blog Love
Linky Party No. 1
If you have not joined our Lilly Pad look over to the right and click on follow. Not mandatory but I would love it if you would! (There will be a fabulous giveaway when we reach 100 Followers!)

Please link back to your Hoppy Host kissed by a frog in your post or side bar (grab my button or a simple text will do). So that others will know where you party and can find more inspiration. (A pain, I know but Thank you so much!)

Please link up your own projects, and link to the specific post, not your blog home page. No Etsy shops or giveaways, please!

(There is a great Linky Party for this at  on Friday and runs through Sunday)


And on Sunday HOP to Life Crafts & Whatever to join her Linky Party. Plus, she has an awesome gieaway going on right now!

Link up as many projects as you would like. Before next week's Linky Party I will choose a 2-3 of my favorite to share with you.

Please, please, please choose some of your favorites, go visit, and leave lots of FROG blog love!
Now it is time PARTY! Link up your favorite crafts, DIY projects, recipes, decorating, etc. I cannot wait to see what you all have created!

So go forth and LINK UP!


  1. thank you for hosting and good luck on your first party

  2. I am upset the pics are so small. I have no idea what I did wrong! I will fix it before next week I promise! Thank you for coming over!

  3. THanks for inviting me over, I linked up two treats for you. I'm a follower, would love for you to follow me back!

  4. Thanks for Stopping by at my Sewing & Pattern Making blog Adithis Amma Sews Plan to do a tutorial on how to sew a Balloon Dress. Have linked up the dress in your blog too. Please do check out my Tutorials Page and would be elated if you like to follow my blog.

    Thanks once again for hosting the linky

  5. Thanks for stopping by Jenni.. And for the link party too.. I hope your 1st party rocks.. :)

  6. I hope I did this right, I am new to all this stuff!! Forgive me if I linked wrong or maybe you can teach me? lol (good luck!)
    I love these little linking up parties, but I am such a compurter dummy.
    Oh Love your Frog, toooo cute!


  7. Your blog is great! Love the cool ribbons too, very cute! If your interested in driving more traffic to your blog, we offer a free blog directory at


Leave the Frog some love today! We love getting feedback! And we personally reply to all comments via email if your id allows us to. It may not be an instant response but we always respond! So leave us some love and let's be friends!