
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Delay on Friday's Post

First of all I just want to say how exciting it was to have a linky  party and that my ladies showed up! I had 10 entries (11 with my test link)! I think that is pretty AWESOME for a first linky party! If you linked before 5pm today as a special THANK  YOU, I posted your link on my fb page and Twitter! So, thank you, thank you, thank you! I appreciate you all stopping by and supporting me. If you have not linked up yet NO WORRIES the party is still going on and I absolutely appreciate you too!
Tomorrow I am planning a really fun project to share with you! It took me a little longer than I expected and I had some "life" things pop up that I needed to take care of today as well so I am I little delayed. BUT have no fear I will have (what I consider) an AMAZING crafty project to share with you tomorrow, just not until later in the day!
AGAIN, thank you so much for joining me in my first linky party. Good night frog fans.
Until tomorrow,

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