
Friday, June 17, 2011

New Project THANKS to C.O.M.

Last week I linked up to Craft-O-Maniac on Monday, where she was blogging about one of her new sponsors CHIQUE SHOWOFF and how they gave her 2 of their beautiful headbands! SO GORGEOUS! Then this week she was blogging about how her new obsession is to make these headbands and hers are FABulous too! Go check them out here:

Well, after reading her posts I figured I should give it a try. A while back  I bought a ton of supplies to try to make these HOT headbands but never made the time to do it. I was totally inspired to get off my behind computer and do something crafty. I have to agree that making these was a ton of fun. But if I am being completely honest I did not feel that way at the beginning! I had the hardest time trying to figure out how to make satin flowers. I guess I could have googled it to find a tutorial but after an hour I was determined to figure it out on my own. DUMB! I spent all day Wednesday making 1. YES just ONE...ONLY 1! Grrr, after I finished it up I sent out a text pic to my besties seeking some approval and only one knew what it was. Humph! Here is that pesky first one that took ALL day to make (mostly because I am too stubborn to ask for directions).
I thought I was being so creative with that little button
because it reminded me of a Peacock all "fanned"
out which is perfect considering... 
Here it is all finished up and attached to a tiny crochet
headband. What are your thoughts? Digging it? Hate it?
Too over the top?

Well, after an underwhelming response and my sister telling me that some people think that peacocks are bad omens (really? Peacocks? I am going to google that for sure!), I went to bed! But the next morning I woke up refreshed, renewed, and ready to try again. Here is No. 2-HAHA- I think I will call it CANDY EXPLOSION!

Since I had royally screwed-up making the satin flowers in my first attempt I had a few extra flowers and did not want to waste them. I also had more Peacock feathers. Bad omen or not I made another one. Mostly because I never googled it and because I have no bad feelings toward peacock feathers. (CAUTION:Boring when I was little story inserted next!) When I was little we would go to visit my Grandparents in Tennessee. We also have a "family" farm (a log home on land that has been in the family for generations! There used to be livestock but not any more) way out in the middle of no where. Well, not nowhere I guess there is a neighbor and she has peacock (or at least had). They were so beautiful strutting around the property. My grandmother collected feathers from the yard and kept them in the living room. Ah, there are good memories from our time on the farm.  Anywho, so I do not mind peacock feathers at all! Here is No. 3- Sweet Pea Angel
Obviously, I need a better camera or a lesson on
taking better pictures. If you look close you can see
the tiny cherub I added to this one.

Here is it in all of it's Peacock Glory. Not bad, right?
Well, Craft-O-Maniac (a.k.a.Jenn) was right! Once I got the hang of the flower part I was hooked! So here are the other ones I made and they are also the reason for my delay this morning!
I have no idea what to call this one but I loved the
feathers! It kind of reminds me of a leopard. What
do you think?

Royal Cameo- I really like this one- the coloring
in the feathers is pretty amazing (sorry you cannot)
see it)!!
Royal Cameo - full frontal (HA!)

Chocolate Fleur De Lis Passion

Chocolate Fleur De Lis Passion - total picture

(I  am not sure I can do a new craft without including
some MU love.)

Well, there they are! I have a ton of supplies left so I will keep making them and sharing them with you! I just wanted to thank Jenn-from Craft-O-Maniac one more time for inspiring me (and kicking my booty in gear)! I hope you all have a FABULOUS Friday! I am off to attend some linky parties so make sure to check out where I am heading!


  1. So pretty well done. I love them all!!! and isn't it so much fun? Thanks for the shout out. Happy Primping. WINKS-JEN

  2. Great job! I love the first one. You rock!!
    I am a new follower!!

  3. Very lovely. You do great flower work!

    Tracy Screaming Sardine

  4. So pretty, I can't decide which one I like best. Thanks for linking to Bacon Time, hope to see you this Friday or weekend too.

  5. Thank you so much ladies!
    @ Mindie- you know I will be back!!
    @Tracy- Thank you but it really did take a while to figure that out on my own.
    @BlubabeCreate- I am SOOOOOO glad you said that beacause I was a little worried!
    @Karen-thanks I found you too!
    @Jenn- I linked it up today. Thanks again

  6. Absolutely GORGEOUS! I L-O-V-E them and want to wear them, ALL!

    It's nice to be here and discover your blog! I'm your newest follower and I hope you'll be mine too!

    Creative blessings, Brynn (

  7. These are just gorgeous! Love them..
    Just became a new follower..Would love it if you decided to follow my blog.
    btw, love the title of your blog.

  8. My gosh, but you're creative! I think sometimes over-the-top is exactly what's called for! They're all so pretty.

    I'm your newest follower; found you via Kim.

  9. Since we are all about hair - these are just fabulous! Love all the feathers. Popping over from Sisters Stuff!

  10. Wow! They look great! I would love for you to link up tomorrow to "It's a Party"!

  11. Love the one with the peacock feather. Thanks so much for linking up last week.

  12. Ooh! I love the feathers! We found your blog through a linky party and are your newest followers! We would love for you to follow us, too! We have an awesome giveaway going on right now. Come check us out!

  13. Fabulous! Brilliant! and bright and showy just like a peacock should be! I would be proud to wear any of these in my hair!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great weekend!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success


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