
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mama Monday on Tuesday

Hello everybody! Here we are again and it is FINALLY time for Mama Monday! I have had such a hard time deciding what I wanted to share but I made a decision to share another Original Kiss from the Frog Design. You are going to be impressed (for sure if you are from MISSOURI)!I have a friend that has come to each time she needs a special baby gift and I think this is why.  All she told me was that it was a boy and they are huge MIZZOU fans. So this is what I crafted up! I never heard if they liked it or not. Surely they did! I guess I should ask!

University of Missouri Baby Booties w/ shoe bag
which also happens to hold a travel wipe case.
"MU" was hand embroidered. You think that is clever...

The bottom of the booties! How stinkin' cute is that?
Why waste a perfectly good sole?!?

In the shoe/wipes bag

Turman the Tiger Tag Lovey

Mizzou Burpies

MU Fleece Cargos (see my old cell in the MU

One on each side


All together now, "AWWWWW!"

So, how did I do? Did I make Mama Monday worth the wait??? Hope you all have a TERRIFIC Tuesday! 

Todays Creative Blog


  1. Hi Jenni ~ You have a great blog here ! Thanks for sharing, that's what blogging is all about! Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'd love to partake in your first linky party! Cute Mizzou stuff!

  3. Hey Jenni, Thank you so much for your sweet words on my blog! :)
    Cute Mizzou stuff!

  4. Thank you very much ladies! And I did inquire about how the new mama liked her gift set - she LOVED it!

  5. i. love. this. sooooooooo much!! i'm a mizzou fan (after the bearcats). what a great way to share the spirit with a new baby! just wanted to let you know that i featured this on my tip-toe thru tuesday party this week! it was my favorite link. stop on by and grab your featured button! hope to see you again this week!

  6. so Cute - she'll love these gifts! Hopping over from sew Stinking Cute


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