
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday

Wonderful Wednesday is here and I am ready to blog about something crafty! Who is with me?? If you are following along then you already know that I am not a professional bow maker and far from it(if you are not following, I am sorry to hear that, but now you know ;). I need some serious practice! However, that does not mean I can not craft up some stinkin' cute hair candy. So, I am going to share with you some of my favorite little clips today and if you are at all interested they are available over in my etsy shop. See there over to the left you can click there if you'd like. Go ahead and click it; it won't kill ya to look.

Mermaid Clippies

Butterfly (I wish I had use brighter colors- live and
learn. I will do it next time!) 

Watermelon, duh! LOL



And the Beaded Clippie Party
So, are you impressed? Maybe even a little bit? Any suggestions for what you all would like to see next? OHHHHHH, and I got button FINALLY! SO, I am going to try to host a linky party next week. I will let you know when. TOMORROW!!!
Check out where I am linking up today! I will be back again tomorrow. And in case I did not mention it today...I really appreciate and all of your support (yep, I am talking to you)!


  1. I can't wait to see your hats! Thanks so much for your sweet comments! These clippies are to die for! I love the mermaid ones!! My monkey is obsessed with Ariel!

  2. The watermelon are my favorite so cute, thanks again for linking to bacon time.

  3. Thank you so much ladies!

  4. I am going to feature these too on Friday at Bacon Time! I will make sure to mention your shop when I do. Thanks again for linking. See you this week too I hope.


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