
Thursday, June 9, 2011

OMGoodness I forgot! LINKY PARTY?

Oh my goodness I forgot to tell you all to check the LINKY PARTY page to see where I linked up today. I am loving all of these linky parties! How awesome would it be for the FROG to host one every week? Anyone wanna tell me how to make a button for you all to grab?
If you are interested in joining the FROG for a linky party just become a follower and let me know! If I get enough interest I will do one A.S.A.P!
Thanks guys!


  1. I used this ( to make my grab buttons. Have a great night! :)

  2. I can't believe the timing of this - I was just coming to thank you for stopping by my blog when I saw this and I just put up a round up of tutorials for making blog buttons because several people had asked what I used... you can check it out here: Your blog is super-cute - I'm about to be your newest follower! : )

  3. Or I will be your newest follower when my account finally works... I have had serious trouble actually being able to follow anyone new recently - just getting weird error messages... ick! Sorry about that...

  4. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm your newest follower!

  5. @Bonnie - thanks for the info I am on my way to check it out! You guys totally rock!


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