
Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Onesie Tutu

***Before we get started I just want to remind everybody that I will be hosting 2 giveaways when we 1) reach 100 followers on the blog AND also 2) when we have 100 likes on facebook. So sign-up and follow, like us on facebook, tell your friends, take out an ad on billboard and let's getting this party started up in here. (I know totally old school, right? Sorry...kind of!)***

Well HELLO everyone and hello Thursday! This has been an AWESOME first week for the Frog's Blog! I cannot believe that we already have followers and the number of page views goes up significantly everyday! Who would have thought?? I am so excited about the blog and all the love it is getting! I cannot say thank you enough for making my first week in blog land so fabulous!!

Today, I want to share some of the little onesie tutus I have made. A few of them are tutu-cute and others were a major craft FAIL! Now, that I have made a few there are definitely some things to remember when creating these sweet little numbers. Here is the first I made...a practice run if you will.

HAHAHA! Isn't that terrible?!? I was practicing and
did not want to spend money on something that I new
I would mess up so I used what I had here at home. A
Onesie from the last baby (a boy) and left over tulle that
my mama had from a wedding. It actually wasn't/isn't that
horrible and I did sew everything correctly. I like to call it my
 tomboy onesie! Not too shabby for my first try!

I know this picture is awful but I took it with
my old cell phone. I forgot to snap shots with my
camera before I delivered it. Oops! This (and the next 2 pictures)
is the tutu set I made for the PTA auction that I think
I mentioned in a previous post.

The matching headband w/ my attempt at a spiky
bow. I seriously need some more practice with bow making!

AND the baby flip flops! OMGoodness, I love these!
Can't you just imagine chub-a-wubby tiny toes sticking
out of the ends of these.
So here is the DISASTER I refer to as a
Sure it looks all cutesy-wootsy on my tiny little
wire dress form but if you could see this thing in person.
I would just like to caution anyone attempting to make a
Onesie Tutu- be sure you know where all of that
material is when sewing! With a ton of tulle it is VERY difficult to
keep track of it and the onesie! Ahhh, live and learn I guess.
Had I been more careful this would have been beyond tutu-cute!
Lastly, here is one that I made for my niece.
Totally ruffled out!
Ruffles around the waist!
AND ruffles on the bum!

Over the weekend I plan to spend some time organizing my craft room and clearing out all of the JUNK in the house that everyone keeps tripping over. It is going to be a great weekend for the local GOODWILL store. I am also planning on working on two of the designs I have stored in my head for new tutus!!
I will be back tomorrow with an update! Happy Thursday all!



  2. These are so cute! I especially love that last one! I wish these had been around when my girls were little. They would have loved them!

  3. These are so fun! I made tutu's for my girls, but they were itchy, this would solve that problem! Thanks for showing off on my blog! I am your newest follower!


  4. Thanks for host the linky party Carlee and hopping over to check us out. I really appreciate the support from all you ladies.
    Suzanne & Jen - you two are too kind! I love it and keep it coming! It is good for my soul!


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