
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Where It All Started

***Before we get started I just want to remind everybody that I will be hosting 2 giveaways when we 1) reach 100 followers on the blog AND also 2) when we have 100 likes on facebook. So sign-up and follow, like us on facebook, tell your friends, take out an ad on billboard and let's getting this party started up in here. (I know totally old school, right? Sorry...kind of!)***

HUGE day yesterday! This brand new baby blog had over 200 views! That is absolutely amazing and I appreciate each and every view! THANK YOU and have a HUG on me!

Now on to some crafty business~
A few years ago my husband and I moved back to the Kansas City area to be closer to family. We bought a serious fixer upper thinking that we could flip it and make some money. HA! We are still here and still working on making this house a home! There is no flip in our future. Plus, I fall in love with this house more and more everyday. (Of course, there are those days that I curse it up one side and down the other too but hey I am not keeping score. Are you?)
Anywho, when Princess was old enough to have her own room I wanted her to have something special and started looking for fabulous room ideas fit for a princess. Have you all ever googled princess rooms? HOLY COW there are some phenomenal rooms out there for little girls and WAY out of my budget. I kept searching and searching and came up empty handed. Well, then we went to a friends house (the one that I made the tank and purse for), she has a daughter the same age as mine and what do you know...she had just redecorated her room! They decorated that little diva room like a ballerina complete with a ballet bar. HOW COOL IS THAT? So, it got me to thinking about ballet and ballerinas, and dancing and my princess and well, you get the idea. To get the ball rolling on the decorating here is what I started with...
A sweet and simple tutu curtain! Cute right?
Check out the close-up below.
After finishing it, I left it for a little while and then
decided that it was not exactly what I had hoped
for (I know it happens a lot, right?) Then I did this...

Added a tutu valance and there you have it the tutu
that started it all! What do you guys think?

When people came over they thought it was awesome so I started making tutus as gifts for my friends kids. After a while, they started telling me that I needed to sell them but of course I thought they were C-R-A-Z-Y! Four years later, here we are, here I am, here it is. I love making tutus but I have learned so many other crafts as well it is so hard to decide what to sell and what to list and what to share. I love everything so much I have hard time parting with it! I feel like a little part of me went in to making all my crafty goodness. GUSH, GUSH, GUSH! Get out the Kleenex and let's change the subject.

Don't forget to check out where I am linking up to today on my LINKY PARTY page. You all have a wonderful Wednesday! I will see you again tomorrow!


  1. the valance totally finished it!!! i love it:) turned out so cute

  2. such a cute idea! I am a tutu nut! My daughter's closet is literally half tutus! lol! may have to try this when I redo her room! ~April @ Wildflowers & Whimsy

  3. very pretty I can just imagine how the sun looks shining through such a pretty window come visit me at

  4. Ashley, I agree it just looked BLAH with out it! April- I hear ya! We have a closet dedicated to just for dress-up clothes!
    Shopannies-it does but it is also see through so I added a pink duck cloth curtain underneath it all so no one could see in her room. I should have mentioned that in the post. Now that the followers widgets/gadgets are fixed I am on my over to follow you all! See you soon!

  5. That's very cute! Thanks for stopping by to add this to our Wicked Awesome Wednesday party!

  6. AaaaH I am a tulle freak! I love the femine quality it holds and I will try this somewhere for sure.
    Oh by the way I am now following you. Thanks for visiting me and good luck with your blog!

  7. Wendy, you are too kind! I am glad we found each other!!

  8. What a beautiful, creative, and very original idea! Such a whimsical and sweet window treatment for any little girl's room. I love the way the light catches and plays on the different colors of tulle!

    So happy to have you be a part of "A Little Birdie Told Me..." at Rook No. 17!


  9. What a great idea.

  10. Adorable Jenni. It is amazing how one project can lead to another and before you know it, you are off and running!!!!
    a new follower of your blog!!!


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