
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A little Tutorial

I would have loved to add an awesome tutorial as my first tut but time has, as always, been lost somewhere and not in my house! This week, the beginning of summer has been jam packed with fun and some YUCKY junk! One off to sleep away basketball camp, one in swimming lessons, and 2 that are sick! Not a good start to the summer and then last night I am pretty sure I was poisoned by my food! Ugh, still feeling it today but I am in it to win it. Needless, to say my first tutorial will not be as elaborate as I planned. Crafty tutorial No. 1 ~
Gift Box Awesomeness-This was the culminating gift we gave to the Princess' teacher during teacher appreciation week. I made two because we donated  a few items to the PTA silent auction. (Which by the way,if you are interested, brought in $133! How great is that?)
First of all, gather anything that you would like to add to your gift box! Here are all of the items for 1 of the boxes I made. Any and everything a teacher could possibly want or need during the year. I was able to pick out some really cool things and all of the items were on sale or clearance. (Have I mentioned that I used be a teacher? They really are so important and this year the Princess had an AMAZING one!) Okay so make sure you have enough items to fill up the intended box.

Hmmm, did I maybe go a little over board?

And do not forget the CHOCOLATE! Chocolate makes every one's day a little better no matter what! Just ask Deputy Chief Brenda Lee Johnson...yep that's right I am a HUGE CLOSER fan! Her southern sass is a force to be reckoned with for sure!

Okay, here is where my technical abilities really show themselves or lack there of! As you can see from the picture every item is tagged with a special funny or sentimental saying that I made in word. I have no idea how to add that type of document to my blog, YET. I am not even sure I saved it. However, if you google or search for teacher appreciation gift you will find a mother load! (Ex. Highlighters-Thanks for making my year a bright one! Seed Pkts. Thanks for making Princess BLOOM this year. etc., etc, etc...)

The one for the auction I shrink wrapped and added pretty bows. The teacher gift I just added a bow on the top. So what do you think? Did I leave any steps out? Also, check out those great beautiful boxes I found. They look sooo expensive don't they!!??!! Not at all, I picked them up at my favorite local Hobby Lobby on sale for only $5!

Well, there it is, my first tutorial! Not what I had hoped for but still good. Now I am off to clean the kings castle (a.k.a. the rest of the house) so that I do not get fired from my day job! Hope you all have a terrific Tuesday! And don't forget to check out my linky party page to see where I am linking up!
AND once we get to 100 followers on the blog I will host a giveaway. The same goes for facebook!

1 comment:

  1. As a retired teacher, I can tell you authoritatively that you gave a great gift. Teachers spend so much of their own money on the supplies you included in your lovely box. I know it was greatly appreciated.


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