
Monday, June 6, 2011

Mama Monday

I have a few friends that are preggers or just had new babies and who does not love babies? I certainly do but what I have come to love more is spoiling little bundles of love with my handmade goodies. So, for the next few Mondays I am going to showcase the items I make or have made for my friends. Plus, in a few months I (along with a few other amazing ladies) will be hosting a baby shower and believe me you will not want to miss out on all of the creations for that shower. I am hoping it will be the most amazing shower ever for one of the most amazing friends ever!
So crafty goodness for Mama Monday's No. 1- An Envelope Scrapbook/Journal
Have you ever seen one of these. I watched a craft show on TV a while back and they made one. I thought it was the neatest idea and so simple to make. All I did was buy square envelopes and glue them together. Then I bought a scrapbook page kit at Hobby Lobby for $3.99 (while it was on sale) and pieced it together to make pregnancy keepsake for my good friend. What do you all think?
(*Note:I would have added more pics but had trouble today with uploading. Ugh! There are a total of 12 envelopes and 24 "pages." I thought it really turned out well. Hmmm, going to have to try to figure out why it will not upload photos.)
There you have it (below)! I will try to link up to some of the Monday Linky Parties later today if I have time. Right now I am off to clean out the Castle that belongs to my little Princess. BLAH! This will be a serious chore!! Wish me luck.
**I could not bring myself to start cleaning before I linked up to all of the fabulous linky parties today! Now I have and am free to clean (but still do not want to)! Check out the new page I added for linky parties and where I will be partying every day of the week. Wooohoo!


  1. It looks cute. I wish I could see it in person.

  2. It really is cute and all the little envelope pockets can hold so much information! I wish I had know about these when I was having my babies. Thank you so much for the support!

  3. ok this is seriously darling!!! I LOVE IT

  4. What a fun way to keep track of details that might otherwise be forgotten. Great job. :)


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