
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Business Section

This is going to be a "business" but not anything boring like paper work or tax information but something I find very exciting. For last few months I have been searching the web for inspiration for my crafty side of the business. There is a wealth of information on the Internet that I never knew existed and you MUST go check out some of these blogs/sites. For the last couple of days I have joined LINKY PARTIES at a few different sites and here they are.

Absolutely check out for an awesome crafty blog that has been nominated for Babble's TOP 50 CRAFT MOM BLOG! Not only is blog full of inspiration they are also totally supporting the FROG! DOUBLE AWESOME!

Here are the rest of the linky parties I linked up to on Sunday. For the next couple of days I will keep linking up and keep sharing where I go with you but for now go check these out.

Party Button

Photobucket UndertheTableandDreaming
Isn't that just the coolest thing ever? All that inspiration all in one place. Very cool! It would be awesome for the frog to host a LINKY PARTY; you know how I love a good party but I have no clue YET how to do some of those things on my blog. Hey, I am a newbie! No worries the FROG will have a party soon so keep watching!
Thanks and I hope you have a FABulous week!

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