
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday Funday #3

What a sensational Sunday! I am so excited to be back here with all of my hoppy friends (you) and share my Sunday Funday craft with you!
Let's just jump right on in!
Well, yesterday I took all 4 kids on field trip by myself to JoAnn to check out the dollar crafts for the 4th of July that I had seen featured in my mailer. Well, after looking though EVERY stinking isle and having a few toddler melt downs we were pretty much empty handed and I was not happy about not being able to do what I had planned for Sunday fun. Not to worry, I found a few things to purchase and we were heading to the check out. Well, guess what we found?!? ALL the patriotic crafts right there at the check out, DUH! I could have saved myself a serious headache if we had looked there first.
NOTE TO SELF: NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER take the little munchkins shopping when it is almost nap time.
You are just asking for wide-eyes, glares, rude remarks, and whole lot of; "Oh my you sure do have your hands full." Grrrrrrr, GET OVER IT PEOPLE! NOT EVERYONE LIVES IN A PERFECT LITTLE WORLD LIKE YOU OBVIOUSLY DO! I WAS THERE TRYING TO DO SOMETHING FUN WITH MY KIDS! So, sorry that my 3-y-o pushing is own cart and having a few TEENY TINY melt downs bothered you so much. If you think that is bad come on over and spend an afternoon at our house. Anywhoooooo...(sorry for the rant but goodness I think that is so rude! I had him under control and he was happy. If he had been a total terror I would have just left!)
So, I took the kids on a field trip to our local craft store . Actualy, we took a pic before we went in. See, here it is.
Aww, one of my favorite places
in town.

This was not on the list but the kids love them and the
packaging is red, white, and blue! How, could I say
no after looking high and low for patriotic crafts. They
found these and certainly seem to be what we were looking
for. HeeHee, I did say no to the Orange bag of skittles. LOL

Here is the rest of what we purchased.
We shooed that dollar and clearance
section like no body's business!

And here is what we got accomplished...

Me and the Bear (3-y-o)! Aren't we so cute?

The teenager even got in on the action!

The Princess made her interpretation
of Lady Liberty. She was upset that
there not a green marker included
with the craft. No seriously! It was so

The Bear's. He did such a great
job and was so very proud of himself! 
All the Ladies together!

The kids signed the backs! Awww!! They are the
best kids!

And here they are!!  Are they the best looking kids
ever or what?
3-y-o got bored with the pics! And he wanted to see the

And he is back!
THAT IS ALL WE GOT DONE! Then it was pizza and movie night! We have a ton more stuff to do today so I will post the pics as we finish! I hope you all have a wonderful SUNDAY with your families and friends.
Go out and make it a FUN DAY!


  1. ahhh joanns i also am in love with the store!!!

  2. JoAnn's is my favorite craft store. I am there once a week with my flyer coupons in hand! The kids did a great job with the project. Looks like a good time!


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