
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Welcome to my FIRST installment of Frog Favorite Friends and Saturday Spotlight. You know when I started blogging I never thought that much would come of it. I thought that it would be a good way to keep a record of trying to build my small business and if you had asked me a month ago if I would ever blog I would have said ABSOLUTELY not!
I have only been blogging for 3 short (jam packed) weeks. I have already come to love blogging and the community. I have even made connections with other bloggers and call them friends. Which is where we are at today.
I would like to introduce you to my very FIRST friend here in blog Land, Jenn over at! Jenn, was the first person to follow my blog that I did not know. She has since found me on fb, twitter, etc. She has been nothing but SUPER nice and supportive. I am pretty sure that everyone needs a Jenn in their life (she is so good for the ego)!
Her blog is full of inspiration for whatever you need inspiration  for! She has tutorials, crafts, recipes, links for anything and everything, clip art, SHOULD I KEEP GOING OR ARE YOU GETTING JUST HOW FABULOUS THIS LADY IS? Well, as if that were not enough check out what she did last week.

Want to see more pictures of this cake and watch a video of how this cake started as an idea (very sweet one I might add) and became this AWWWW-mazing work of art? Well click here.

I feel like am so unbelievabley lucky to have already made friends here in cyber-space and this lady takes the cake! (HAHA pun intended!) You absolutely need to go and check her out, become a follower, write her nice comments, but most importantly gain an amazing friend!



  1. You have built such a wonderful blog and community of friends in such a short time. Congratulations! I love the blogging community and I have made met some lovelies that I call friends. Some I have met in person and others I have not but we all share a passion for creativity and chatting with them and sharing ideas is a good thing. Cheers to you and your sweet blog!

  2. I love Jenn!! She is super talented and sweet. Ditto what Donna above me said. I have been food blogging since the beginning of this year, and the support and friends I'm making is unreal. Good luck to you, you will do great!!

  3. Beautiful cake.
    Thanks for that link on Twitter and thinking of me, that pig was too cute!

  4. Jenni, I didn't realize that you'd been blogging for such a short time -- Wow! You're really amazing! You've accomplished and learned more than I did in my first YEAR! I'm so glad to have met you and look forward to following your blog as it grows. Thank you so much for the feature!!!

    Yours, Jenn/Rook No. 17


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