
Friday, July 1, 2011

America the Beautiful is KNOCKING on my Door

America the Beautiful is KNOCKING on my Front Door
Here is what I did with our front "porch." It is just a dinky little landing but now it is glAMERICA!
I have 2 tutorials to put together for this project too. One for the wreath, which was SUPER easy and CHEAP and my Independence Day "artichoke" styrofoam balls. I will put the tutorials together later today and post them so you all have them.
I also have had a request for a tutorial for my TuTu Cute America tutu so I will put that together too.
Several posts will be going out today because
 I have some SUPER exciting news to tell you all!
 I could barely contain myself yesterday when I found out! SO, tons more coming today and through out the weekend!
So cute, right? 
Well, little America did not want to
stay  put. BUT I think it looks better
without that pesky little sign! Not quite
so BUSY! 
And here is the "floral" arrangement
I made for the front porch too.  
Oh, there is Miss America! She found a perfect
place for herself! 
My sequin glAMERICA ball.
Don't you love how it turned out?
I sure do!! 
My little "artichoke" rocket styrofoam
balls. A LOT more work than I had
anticipated but we will get to that later.  
I think these turned out

What do you think? Do you want the tutorial?
Check back later for the tutorial and a
EXCITING (for me anyway)


  1. Hi from your newest follower, please pop by, Karima x

    These look good!

  2. Super cute! Love your blog!

  3. Super cute. Love the bling! I'm visiting over from funkyjunkinteriors. I'm hosting my first ever blog party and its all 4th of July-all Red, White, and Blue! I'd love for you to link up and share with me!

    Hope to see you over at my place soon!

  4. I love all of your festive decorations.. Thanks for showing off on my blog!



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