
Friday, July 1, 2011

Reveal Day - Kitchen Edition

Since no one voted Sunday for which room they would like to see revealed this week I just picked it for you all!
This week over at The CSI Project is doing a week on kitchen remodels I will show you our kitchen BEFORE and AFTER. I have a feeling our kitchen will not be the most impressive but I don't really care. We did all of the work ourselves and is a MAJOR improvement! We also have plans to redecorate it this summer and that will be exciting to show you as well.
Here are the before pictures of the kitchen. I will show you the total transformation on BIG REVEAL Friday!

Excuse all the boxes we HAD just moved in and things
were HECTIC to say the least.
Do you love those cabinets or what? The house built
in the 70s and these were original to the house and so
was all the dirt and grime on them. I suspect the cabinets had
NOT been cleaned since they were put in. EWWWWW,
And check out that lovely back splash! The yellow looks like,
well I won't say since some of you may have weak stomach.
Not only is that back splash B-E-A-U-Tiful but it was missing many
many tiles!!
That is not me! Someone doing an appraisal or something
I think.
Check out my view to the outside! Isn't gorgeous! You
can barely see through all the dirt and dark wood!
Seriously, what were they thinking?
Can you see the yellowing on the walls from the previous
owner smoking in there for years. OMGawd! Totally
Plantation shutters...not in this house and these are WAY
too bulky for this dink of a kitchen.
And that border is too die for, right?
The double window view to the back yard. Can you
see the kids playing out there??
No? Me either! Wait for it, wait for it!
Superior craftsmanship! HA!
So was that the NASTIEST kitchen you have ever seen
or what? I think it could have won an award of some kind.
So, before I show you the "now" photos (and I will explain as we go) our kitchen is a work in progress. We are still working on the "eat-in" part so no recent pics of that. Oh, who am I kidding you DO NOT care you just wanna see it already.
The EAT-IN section:
Dirty gross walls and hideous border...GONE! CRAZY
Aztec Fan...GONE! AND get this that white one you see in
the picture is also GONE! It flew off the ceiling one morning
during breakfast. THANKFULLY, no one was hurt. It was replaced
with the one pictured below. That butcher block by the fridge
my Grandfather made. Unfortunately it is gone now but just in the basement.

Shutters...GONE! Double Window gone!!!! Replaced with
french doors. It is truly blissful. Now this is the space that
is under construction...AGAIN. We are adding a box/storage
bench on the left. The wall are painted a beautiful gray color
(also pictured below), and that terrible carpet has been replaced
with a "tile" floor.
The NEW fan!
Let there be light! It never goes on except at night.
Do not need artificial light with all of that natural light
pouring in through the french doors.
Want to see it again?
Okay well,  no natural light in this picture but it is
soooooo pretty! I love it!!!
When this area is done I will reveal again!

Now on with the show right! Do you remember what it looked like before?? Here, let me help you:
stainless fridge!
Doesn't it look GLORIOUS?
LOVE IT but hat the ice maker
as previously mentioned.  

STAINLESS love every where!
My beloved coffee maker/grinder sitting
right next to my best friend iced tea!
My sweet ihome nestled in the corner!
Awww, so much better, right?

Stainless, stainless, stainless!!
Love, LOVE, L-O-V-E!
Back splash and Counter top

Look how beautiful that view is now!
New sink, faucet, cabinets, flooring,
windows, back splash, appliances,  
lighting...I love it.

What room do you want to see next?
Dining room? Living Room? Bedrooms?
Tell me and next week I will show it off!
Just in case you are not planning on stopping by this weekend. Please have a safe and fun holiday weekend!! I will be back tomorrow to share another Frog Favorite Friend! Sunday will still be Fun Day here with the blog!
I am off to do something crafty with myself and hide a few gray hairs!




  1. It looks great! Awesome job. I really need to tackle my kitchen to, its a lot of work.

  2. Beautifully done! I love the new look!

    I'm visiting from At The Picket Fence and am looking forward to following you.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. WOW, what a great transformation!!

  4. I love new kitchens! I need to get our final result posted too :)

  5. WOWEE!!! What an incredible transformating! You did a fabulous job and you would never even know it was the same space...kinda the idea huh? LOL! Thank you so much for sharing this with us last weekend at Inspiration Friday and we hope to see lots more of you in the future!

  6. Oops...meant to say "transformation"! :-)

  7. WOW that transformation is AMAZING!! Can't wait to see another room this week.

  8. Everything looks wonderful! I especially love the cabinets! Thanks for linking to Handy Man, Crafty Woman Wicked Awesome Wednesday!

  9. Looks wonderful~ what a great transformation! Thanks for sharing it at Feathered Nest Friday! :)


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