
Thursday, July 28, 2011

FFF Gingersnap Carfts & LINKY PARTY

Frog Favorite Friend of the Week
Ginger @

She linked up this amazing rock patio and actually I have a funny little story to tell you about this.

Last week I was feeling a little frisky and decided I should introduce myself to a few people in blog land. Well, I happened across Miss Ginger's blog and she was doing a HUGE giveaway! As I entered ALL of them I introduced myself to some of the sponsors and then Ginger. She replied to my comment and was very sweet (as I am sure you expected). As I continued on my quest to meet other blogger as I browsing a linky and came across this rock patio. Drooling (because I have dreams of doing this in my own back yard) I clicked the link and where did it take me?? Right back to Miss Ginger. I thought that was too funny. BUT it gets better. I was feeling like I had made enough "friends" for the evening especially since I just kept ending up with Ginger. I came back to my FROG BLOG LINKY PARTY and what do you think I found?
I thought to myself, well I guess someone wants me to notice Miss Ginger! Little did FATE know that I have stalked Ginger Snap Crafts for a while and love this blog if you have not checked it out you MUST!
Miss Ginger's is wonderfully sweet and her blog is a mountain of inspiration waiting for you find.
HOP on over to GINGER SNAP CRAFTS with your morning coffee and browse a while. Tell Miss Ginger the FROG sent you, I bet it will make her day. While you are there you can link up your projects to her linky,

or check out her wonderful little etsy shop

I LOVE all of the link ups and appreciate each and everyone one of you! It makes my week to see all of your wonderful creations on my blog and I just want to say,
This week I am going to try a little something different. I will not be writing another post this weekend in hopes of others linking up their wonderful crafts!If you feel so inclined please tell your friends to hop over and join in too! 
Now let's PaRtY!
Please link up your own projects, and link to the specific post, not your blog home page and please link up new crafts each week.

Link up as many projects as you would like.

Before next week's linky party I will pick one link up to feature as my FROG FAVORITE FRIEND of the week and FEATURE that blog at next's week's linky party and post their button on the top of my side bar for the entire week!!

Please, please, please choose some of your favorites, go visit, and leave lots of
FROG blog love!

Now it is time PARTY! Link up your favorite crafts, DIY projects, recipes, decorating, etc. I cannot wait to see what you all have created! 
So HOP forth and LINK UP!


  1. You are sooooo sweet! Thank you for all of the kind words. Thanks for hosting!! :)


  2. Just tweeted your linky, thanks for hosting. Hope your bathroom project is coming along nicely.

  3. After I feed my kids, I will get back on the computer and linkup!

    Love a rock patio. I must go visit Ginger!

  4. I love Gingersnap too! Thanks for hosting, hope you have a good weekend! :)

  5. Sounds like Serendipidy to me. Headin' over to say hi to Ginger now.

    Thanks for hosting Jenni!

  6. Love Ginger Snaps! Thanks for hosting!

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  7. Just wanted to say thank you for all the b-day wishes! Hope your weekend is going well.


Leave the Frog some love today! We love getting feedback! And we personally reply to all comments via email if your id allows us to. It may not be an instant response but we always respond! So leave us some love and let's be friends!