
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Well that did not go as planned!

Do you remember last week when I posted pictures of my craft areas and piles? No? Well, let me refresh your memory!

Just one huge mess after the other. AND I had grandiose plans of cleaning this all up while you all were busy entering giveaways. Well guess what happened!?! I sat down last Saturday night to send a quick email after dinner. When I say quick I mean QUICK! Like I was on the computer for 10 minutes and when I got up look what I found my husband doing...

He just started ripping it apart! This is my main bathroom and YES it was on the list of things to do but not on the list of things to do RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND! OMGoodness, god love him but even when I tell him the plan he still has his own agenda. This is how far he got before he had to return to work on Monday.
Ummm, patched and primed. And guess what else?!?! He will not be showing his face around this loverly bathroom this weekend since he has a golf tournament. UGH! MEN!
Dag-NAB-it, as if I was not already busy enough now I have to figure out what we are going to do with this bathroom AGAIN! I will post the bathroom BEFORE and first phase AFTER tomorrow and Friday. Hopefully, by next week I will have a progress update for you.
Oh, and SANITY!


  1. First up, yeah I see I was a lucky winner chicken dinner :)

    Second hang in there with all the organizing and bathroom updating.
    Hope your hubby wins at golf lots of $ so he can take you out and make up for leaving you with all this. Talk to ya soon and thanks for the give aways!

  2. I know it must be frustrating for you, but I sure wish my dear hubby would START one of the things on his list. hehehe

  3. Too funny!! You need to drive down 7 Hwy and see our stairs up to the dormer sitting (still) with all the carpet ripped off! Greg keeps saying, wait until Fall and Winter when I'm not so busy! That's odd, I ripped the carpet off for him last winter! Lol!

  4. As long as your husband finishes it I would feel grateful. I would LOVE for my husband to rip out wallpaper, paint our bedroom, tile our bathroom floor but he can never seem to find the time.

    BTW- happy to see other crafters make as big as mess as I do!!

  5. oh. no. oooooooohhhh mylanta. am so sorry! if i was in your area, i'd totally come and help with your craft areas! i loooooove me a good mess to organize! keep your chin up too! your fabulous! you can do it!


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