
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rust-Oleum Week Chalk Board

Hello Lovelies, here is another project completed with my fav Rust-Oleum Paint. CHALK BOARD style. We add this Chalk board when this was my daughter's  room. But since I took it over and moved her upstairs...I wan't feeling the periwinkle. Plus, this is a little sneak peek at the new and NOW COMPLETE craft room. Not to worry that post is coming soon, PROMISE!
So here is the room before. A HUGE mess right and kind of Tinkerbell-y.
Walls painted and now time to paint that chalk board. CLEAN IT REALLY WELL if you are repainting an old chalk board.   
Ready to paint? I used a sponge roller for even coats. At least, that is what my paint rep told me.
I love Rust-Oleum paint so much I could sit here and watch it dry. Make sure to follow manufacturers instructions! And if you would like to sit with me, that's totally cool!
Awww, so peaceful! 
All dry! Now you need to condition it! My paint rep said this is the most important part. I know there was a huge debate about this in blogland recently so just follow the instructions and condition it so you do not have to re-do it!
What do you think? Do you love it? Did you like the sneek peak of the craft room??
**Just so you know, I am in NO WAY compensated for blogging about Rust-Oleum (even though I think I should be there new spokes girl). I am only sharing my projects and their products with you because I am a lover of ALL things "R" (Rust-Oleum) related! **


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