
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Rust-Oleum Week Thrifty Make Over

SO, I went thrifting for the first time ever the other day. I was looking for a table for my new craft room (yep you are getting another sneak peek today). And amazingly, I found this bad boy. Okay, I know it looks small in the pic but let me assure you it is not! They actually had 2 and I wanted them both but they were so big they would not fit in my room.

So it needs some serious loving but for less than $15, I thought I could handle it.
I used these paints from Rust-Oleum to make it beautiful...
(Okay, so obviously not the black one but I used the gloss white Ultra 2x.)

Then I Mod Podged my Froggy on the top...

And sealed it with this to make it super DURABLE and you know which great company offers this?? I will give you 3 guesses and the first 2 DO NOT count.
My Rust-Oleum Beauty! Aww, I love her!

**Just so you know, I am in NO WAY compensated for blogging about Rust-Oleum (even though I think I should be there new spokes girl). I am only sharing my projects and their products with you because I am a lover of ALL things "R" (Rust-Oleum) related! **


  1. now that's a craft table! i can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. Oh that is so cute! Plus, how inspiring to have your logo right in the middle of your table. So you are reminded what you are working for. Love some "R" too. Just got in from paiting some rod iron chairs. Haha!! Take care and good to hear from you today.

  3. I want my own blog table, do I have my own blog table, no :)
    I want my own castle and horse drawn carriage too, sometimes it's just not in the cards. lol

    Ok I posted on my new desperate for date night linky that will be starting next week. I don't know if its something you r into but I thought I would share.

    Did you see your lucky winner for your give away won the other give away for last week too. She is in the middle of moving but I will give you her address when she gives it to me. Good night lovely lady :)and your fab new table.

  4. Wow..awesome make over!! LOVE the table, and the fact that you added your froggie to the design :) I wish I had a big ole' craft table..that would be so nice! Lucky Lady!!

  5. So cute!!! I'm loving this table!

  6. Great thrifting find & makeover! Love that your frog is in the middle. I like Rustoleum 2X too, over Krylon for sure!

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  7. Great makeover! It will look cute anywhere, but super cute in a craft room. =)

  8. Those are great legs, what a fun idea for a craft table! Thanks for showing off!


  9. Love it, Jenni! Great job! Love the frog :)

  10. Fantastic find and even more fantastic transformation!

  11. I love this project. You have some really great ideas on your blog. I'd love if you would share some of them at my link party this weekend. Hope you can make it!

  12. What a great find and I love what you did with it! That table looks wonderful and I love your logo. I also love that Rustoleum paint too. Working with it right now on a project
    Thanks so much for sharing

  13. Thank you for linking up, I know you have been a busy bee or maybe I should say busy frog. :)

  14. I love the transformation. Thanks for linking up and sharing

  15. I want my own table! :) This turned out darling- I love the colors and the frog! Thank you so much for linking up to Strut Your Stuff Saturday! We would love to have you come link up again tomorrow!
    Camille @

  16. CUTE! I want a Truly Lovely table now! haha! Thanks for sharing on Fancy This Fridays last week!


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