
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Another Plastic Fantastic

I have a TON of little items that I need to hang and show off at the craft show this week. While I was browsing photos of craft booths to get ideas I saw some one using shutters as part of their display! Genius! Do you all have any idea how much shutters cost?? Ugh! I thought I was going to have to go back to the drawing board! BUT, I have a friend who's husband gets forclosures ready for sale and he has a warehouse of left over junk. She took me to the ware house to poke around...guess what!
I found some!! They are not very pretty.... 
but they are now!!
I don't want to give away the booth yet but here is a little sneak peak! HUGS to everyone and keep those motivational thoughts coming! I only have 2 more days!!

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