
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rust-Oleum Week Thirfty Make Over #3

Are you all bored with my Rust-Oleum redos? I swear I won't show you any more for a while after this week!
So, I had this dresser. Just an extra. Some how we acumulate a ton of JUNK! See...
So it wasn't junk. It used to be in my daughters room. But there was already one in her "new" bedroom and she does not need two.  
It is a little dated, anyway. 
And as you can see it needs a little Rust-Oleum LOVIN' 
Here is the paint I used...
I am loving aqua and red!! LOVE!! Actually, I used the Rust-Oleum Aqua paint to pick out the color of the room. I am nut, aren't I. Shhh, don't tell anyone!
Here is the dresser all dolled up...

And here are her custom Chunky Glitter Drawer Pulls that I made...
I went from this to...

and TA-DA
Okay, so right now my loverly knobs are helping store necklaces for the craft show but you get the picture, right?

No worries, there is a toot in the works for this if you are interested.

**Just so you know, I am in NO WAY compensated for blogging about Rust-Oleum (even though I think I should be there new spokes girl). I am only sharing my projects and their products with you because I am a lover of ALL things "R" (Rust-Oleum) related! **

1 comment:

  1. love it! red and teal = nostalgia! your craft room looks soooo cute, i bet!


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