
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Frog Blog Love Linky #14

I am finishing up last minute details for the craft show that starts tomorrow. If you all live in the area, hop over and see me! Please go ahead and party without me this week. I will be checking in to see what FROGulicous things you all have created! You know this is my favorite part of the week so enjoy because I know I will!
HUGS & WISH ME LUCK at my first craft show.
Now it is time to LINK UP!
And you know what ~ No rules again this week just link up what ever you want and let's have a good time (just make sure it is your stuff and family friendly)!
ENJOY and I will see you all MONDAY for another crafty frogulicious week! I will be revealing the entire craft room next week, along with pics from the craft show, items that I am donating to various charities in the area, AND will begin to show off all of the craftasticness I have made for the baby shower I am hosting next weekend!
Whew, that sounds exhausting!
Anyone want to come clean my house? HA!


  1. hey girl!!! i feel like i havent talked to you in forever:( hope all is well!!! i linked up three things...i also linked up my party cause you said no rules...however if you want to remove it please do. have a GREAAAAAAT NIGHT!!!!

  2. Best of luck on your craft show!!! Thank you for hosting another great linky party :) Have a fabulous day!

  3. Good luck on your craft show!
    I hope things go wonderfully!!

  4. Thank you so much for hosting, my friend! Can't wait to hear all about the craft show!



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