
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday Turn-around and a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!

So, I keep eluding to the fact that BIG changes are coming for me in 2012. And I MEAN IT! I planned out every month! I know what you are thinking...WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT MEAN? Well, basically it is 12 months of 30 day challenges in 4 categories.
1. Finding ME
2. Helping my kids be the best they can be
3. Working on the Business
4. Crafting
And in that order! I am sure you all saw the numerous posts about picking a word, a theme if you will, for 2012 and mine is to FOCUS! To focus on me and making the most of my life, family, and business. Really just focusing on making my dreams come (all of them) come true and setting the stage for a successful future. EEK! Scary right!! You have no idea!! I am already nervous as all heck! But I am ready for the challenge and ready for CHANGE!!
I know that most people started their resolutions a month ago but I wasn't ready. Actually, I am going to forget that January ever even happened and move on! Tomorrow I am starting the first set of challenges! Every Tuesday I will be giving you an update about how it is going, what I have learned, what I liked and what was a complete failure!! Hopefully, you all are ready for real honesty and some real change.
What do you think? Are you ready for a wild ride?
Okay so obviously I have nothing profound to share with you today but that does not mean I do not have something to share.
Since it is turn-around Tuesday, I have to share something with you all that has totally BLOWN my mind!!
Remember way back when I was in the contest One Month to Win it? It is okay if you don't because I totally got the boot in the first round! I was soooooo bummed! I felt like a failure but I knew my project was special! So, I entered it in to all kinds of costume contests. AND NOTHING! I heard NOTHING. Ugh! I felt like such a failure again and really was starting to question my creativity! Was I not meant to do this? Had I chosen the career path yet again? Really, I was at a loss. I kept thinking, WHO Sees this when they think of spray paint...
or this...
All of that from a can of paint and I turned it into this for the princess...
You can see the entire project over here where I also explain how I cheated on my BFF! Anywho, all that time designing, creating, making sure every detail was tended too. And nothing. Don't get me wrong I did get awesome feedback from you all and that is totally awesome. I just felt like I had tried to put myself out there and ended up with an empty basket. It was a little heart breaking. BUT not spirit breaking. So, as you all know I took off for awhile to spend time with my family over the holidays and then had to have surgery. I did not even open my computer Jan. 11. (I think) and here is why I even got out of bed that day to look at email.
I was laying in bed when the phone rang. Thankfully, my husband was home taking care of me still and answered. He came back and said some one was on the phone from Simplicity. I was still a little groggy from the meds I had taken and it really did not register. He continued...about a contest you entered. Do you want to talk to them?
Again, I was totally out of it! But I said sure thinking that they were trying to sell me something since I had given all my info when I registered for the contest.
The lady on the other end asks if I had received the email she sent me on Monday. (I am dumbfounded! Errrr, ummm, no?!) And here is where the TURN-AROUND comes into play...she continues, Well I have good news for you then! Your costume has been chosen for top 5 in your category.
HELLO!! TOP 5!! For SIMPLICITY! WHAT the WHAT! I am awake NOW!!! She says I have to mail the costume to Madison Ave, NY, NY. I of course wondered if I could stuff myself in the box too!!
HOLY COW! I really have been on cloud 9 ever since! I do not even know if I care about the results at this point. I cannot believe that SIMPLICITY thought my creation was awesome! I am so glad that I did not let those set backs break my spirit. BREAK ME! I am glad that I kept on going and believing in myself enough to keep putting my ideas, my creations, my ME out there.
Okay so seriously...DOES THIS NOT PROVE YOU HAVE TO KISS A LOT OF FROGS OR WHAT? Hopefully, the rest of my endeavors will be as successful this year! I believe in me!


  1. Wow, that is brilliant, congratulations!!!

  2. Yay! So glad you shared this!!! :) So excited for you!

  3. That is so incredibly amazing! I am so super excited for you!!! I have a huge project I'm working on...going into the second year of it and I'm really hoping this is the break through year. Areas of the project last year one a couple of regional emmy nominations and we're hoping its even bigger this year and its THE year. YOUR Turn Around gives me lots of hope!

    MANY CONGRATS! I'm pulling for you!

    Hope you are feeling better too!

  4. ummm that would WON a couple of emmy nominations.... not one...I do know the difference :O)

  5. That is AWESOME! Congrats friend! Do you know what they are going to do with the costume? Will they take pictures or publish in a mag? Will there be public voting? Let us know so we can vote vote vote!

  6. That is so cool!!! Keep us posted! I would love for you to visit and Link Up at

  7. i still think that this is the coolest thing ever! so glad that they realized how awesome you are! keep us posted!

  8. definitely keep us posted! congrats!

  9. WOW, that is AWESOME!! What a great way to start out 2012. You totally ROCK! I bet you are still on cloud nine!! I can't think of a better more talented person who deserves this!!

  10. I pinned your costume and shared it on The Craft Monkey FB page. :)

  11. Congrats on becoming a finalist, the outfit is totally awesome!

  12. Jenni, I'm so glad you were persistent and ultimately got the attention you deserved for your incredible costume and creativity!!


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