
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bling & Embroidery

Happy New Year February! Today is the big day to start all those little changes that are going to put my life back on the right path! If we are being honest here (which you know I try not to hold back) I did start last week to try to get a routine going so that today did not SLAP me in the face and knock me out! So far so good! But more about that later. Wednesdays are going to be reserved for showing off my Monthly Craft Creations and this MONTH I am working on BLING and Embroidery.
Way, way, WAY back in September I became the proud owner of a brand spanking new Embroidery Machine courtesy of...well the hubba hubba! He is my favorite sponsor! And so far I have only figured out how to sew with it. Which, was quite the challenge considering I had been using a loaner Janome from my MIL. Sewing with it is a! AND I LOVE the blanket stitch. Who knew that is what it is supposed to look like. But I have yet to even attempt to learn how to embroider. I tried it but seriously failed! SO this month is the month. Come hell or high water I will learn how to use that embroidery machine.
Since I have already FAILED with a big fat F at using it I know that this month will be a challenge; especially keeping my crafting mojo going! So I also added the BLING! You know what I am talking about the little teeny tiny crystals you use to make all your stuff look beautiful and shiny! You can totally just buy the pre-made kind at any craft store and I have but I AM LOVING creating my own bling. I made several pieces last year and it is almost therapeutic. So there you have it...bling and embroidery for February. Here are some of past pieces...

This little dude is one of my favs!

This one had no pattern! I created it all by myself.
I place each one of those crystals on with a pair of tweezers. I have done so many that I have thought about those machines that make them for you but...A) they cost THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of dollars! Maybe someone would like to send me one to review and another to giveaway. (A girl can dream right??) B) What would be the fun in listening to a machine do my crafting or me. I will admit I did just order the rhinestone starter kit for my Silhouette and am excited to see how that works out!!
OHHHHH, just wait until you see all the goodies I have planned for the month!
What would you like to see BLINGED?? or EMBROIDERED??
Leave me a comment and I will make it happen!

You all are awesome! Thanks so much for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. I have a similar task for february, I want to have a go at freestyle machine embroidery. I have everything to do it just not actually tried it yet!
    Love your sparkles, I have some iron on sparkles, I must use them!


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