
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Frog Blog Love Linky #31

What the what?? Is it Thursday already??? Where in the world did the last week go? Seriously, has anyone seen it? Holy cow what a whirl wind!
So, before I show you which link was the most clicked last week just wanted to make sure you all saw the TUESDAY TURN-AROUND
post! If not, hop over and read all about how
renewed my faith in...well, myself!  AND now I have a few questions...
1) Does anyone do any or know someone that does felting? I found something that I just have to HAVE but would rather get it from some one I know. (Horrible! I know.) It looks easy but it is sooooo adorable!! ANYONE?? FELTING??
2) Have you entered the facebook giveaway yet? SUPER CUTE set!! With a red theme would be perfect for Valentine's Day gift! End Friday at noon! Here is the link:
I had something else too but apparently, I forgot. Guess that is thought for another day. OOPS!

AND now the most clicked link at last weeks party was...
Miss Jennifer from Laughter and Grace with her DIY CURTAINS!! Which oddly enough could not have come at a better time since I need make some for my ever changing bedroom! Thank you Miss Jennifer!!
This truly is the best part of my week and I appreciate every one of you more than you know!!!
Are you ready?

Alrighty everybuggy,
time to get our PARTY ON!!

And you know how the FROG rolls ~ No rules this week, just link up what ever you want and let's have a good time (just make sure it is your own stuff and family friendly) but please be a FROG follower.

Grab a button from my left side bar if you would like (you know to help spread the word about our party) and
please, Please, PLEASE go visit everyone else and show some FROG love. (I have so much to share with you guys I got to get organized and try to get my house back in order. Anyone wanna come help me?)

BTW, I added a Rust-Oleum Project Parade and Linky Party Page. So, if you have any Rust-Oleum Projects you have done or are planning on doing come on back and link them up here. OR Just hop over and see what awesomeness has been linked up.
I just added a page for everyone to LINK-UP their parties to! You can link yours here.
Plus it is NEVER too late to join the FROGulicious Movement here. (I will be getting back to this soon it was one of the projects I researched yesterday.) AND did you know that I started a REAL LIFE MOMMY MOMENTS Linky on Monday's for MAMA Monday? You can see those posts here and here.
Well, hop forward and link up! HUGS~


  1. Thank you for the linky. Have a good weekend, it's almost Friday right?

  2. Thanks for hosting! :) I've never heard of felting??

  3. Hi Jenni!!

    Thank you so much for featuring me!!! I can't tell you how excited I was when I saw that I was the most clicked link last week and I'm your Frog Favorite Friend of the week!! You made my night!!

    Thank you!


  4. Thanks for swinging by my blog!!! I'm a new follower!!


Leave the Frog some love today! We love getting feedback! And we personally reply to all comments via email if your id allows us to. It may not be an instant response but we always respond! So leave us some love and let's be friends!