Monday, August 29, 2011

Rust-Oleum Week -Concrete Stain

I have been working on a TON of projects using my favorite paint RUST-Oleum and I just have to share them with you!! I had planned to post them in a week but there are a few more than that! Oops! I cannot help it, I LOVE MY RUST-OLEUM!
Did you know they have product for just about everything. Now not all of it has the Rust-Oleum label but they manufacture a TON of stuff and a lot of it can be used to get your CRAFT on! No seriously!
Okay so check this out. We had our basement finished this year and we used Concrete Stain from Rust-Oleum to finish the floor. I LOVE it! Plus, it keeps it so cool down there in the summer and if your feet get cold all you have to do is throw down a little area rug. In my book; that is what I call a WIN-WIN!
So, here is the before. Yep that is just raw concrete base floor. Obviously, someone (my husband) is digging a HUGE hole to run plumbing for the bathroom. And now...

Gorgeous! Right?!!! I think it kind of looks like one of those really expensive "aged" leather couches.
And SO MUCH CHEAPER than hardwoods or carpet, not to mention the couch!
**Just so you know, I am in NO WAY compensated for blogging about Rust-Oleum (even though I think I should be there new spokes girl). I am only sharing my projects and their products with you because I am a lover of ALL things "R" (Rust-Oleum) related! **


  1. So pretty! We have stained concrete in our kitchen and bathrooms! I really like it!

  2. i really like that! it almost has a stone look to it too! i bet that is nice and cool too! thanks for the peek! would love a full tour if you ever feel like it... ((i'm nosy like that!)) haha

  3. Love. It looks easy to clean to. Well I spilled a cup of coffee On my husbands lab top. Yes one of those days lost so many pics of the kids to :( hoping acre calls and wants me to do a or I will cry if I don't.

  4. A c er stupid phone thinks its smarter then me.

  5. I've been looking for something to do with my basement floor..PERFECT...thanks for the idea.

  6. Your basement floor looks great! I would of never thought of using spraypaint for a floor. You should totally be their new spokes person!!

  7. I've been considering removing carpet down to the concrete floor... I LOVE the look of it. Question: how is it for the acoustics? (Not that I'm a singer!) Just wondering what it would be like with a house full of kids... Thanks!

  8. That looks amazing, what color combo is that, I have been trying to figure out what to get?

  9. I love the color. I have been looking for that exact look to do myself. What colors did u combine?

  10. You actually used concrete "stain" from rust-oleum, not the spray paint? Was wondering too what process you used, rolling on or spraying it on? Cant waiit to get started on mine.

  11. I's love to know if you still like your floor and how it's holding up. We're thinking about using that in our home.

  12. I's love to know if you still like your floor and how it's holding up. We're thinking about using that in our home.

  13. Do u still like ur floor and what color is it? Had ur concrete ever been sealed before u stained it? It is stain not paint right?

  14. Painting concrete is a great alternative to change up the home over the more expensive hardwood floors and carpets. It also makes sure you get to personalize your floors the way that you want it. As first timers though, we need to be careful on what we do so as not to spend more time redoing the project. Thanks for sharing!

    1. We used a DIY at home kit from Rust-Oleum. It is a step by step and very easy to use.


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