
Friday, July 15, 2011

Fav Crafts Finished on the 15th

Blog Hop Button Finished on the 15th: FaveCrafts Blog Hop for July
Well, I missed last months link up over at Fav Crafts and if I don't get my rear in gear I am gonna miss it this month too! So here it goes!
Here are all of the Projects that I have finished in the last 30 days!
Are you all reaady for a deluge of pictures because you know this mama has been one busy frog.
Hopping from one project to the next hoping to dazzle you all with my
fun crafts.
I hope you all have enjoyed this last month as  much as I have.
Click on any of the captions to see the post or tutorial!

Blog Hop Button Finished on the 15th: FaveCrafts Blog Hop for July


  1. Lots of good stuff! I have my favorite, and guess what they are in my jewelry box now :) thanks again.

    I got your tweet, you can I am sure say what ever you would like about Joshua's blog. I asked him if he blogged today, he said he has writers block, lol. Have a great weekend. TGIF

  2. Oh, btw, for the Twilight give away buttons do you want me to use you button here and link it to your shop or do you have a particular pic you want to use? No rush, but when you decide let me know and I'll make the button for ya.

  3. hey girl!! looks like a lot of fun stuff!!! you are so creative, i wish i could do that much in a month! you rock

  4. not bad. Just wanted to stop ba and that you for the nice comment you left me. Sorry I did not answer sooner. I was in bed with the flu.


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